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Integrated marketing communication:
persuit of a single positioning concept for an organization or its product which is achieved by planning, coordinating, and unifying all the communication tolos at an organizations disposal.
Tangibilzing the service is making the service more concrete, thus enabling customers to understand it better.
Promotion elment that explicitly communicates with customers.
Price establish the quality of the service.
Place is the location of the service establishment, may convey something about the servies nature.
Participants profile communicate something about the popularity of the service and its ideal target market.
Physical evidence can communicate a desired service image in several ways.
Process of service assembly is valuable messages regarding the level of attentivenes, degree of customization possible, and even the desired role of customers as co-producers of the service.
The promotion element of the marketing mix informs, pesuades, reminds and adds value.
Advertising is the primary means of communicating with service customers and often the cornerstone of an organizations promotional effort.
Sales promotions provide a means for the srvice organization to stand out from the competition and attract customers.
Personal selling tool for informing or persuading customers about complex or expensive services such as maintenance on computer systems or advertising and promotion contracts for corporations.
Publicity and public retaions effective relations can foster an admirable image and cast an innovative or risky offering in a positive light.
Advertising objectives: attention, interest, desire and action
Guidelines for advertising services:
Provide tangible cues
Capitalize on word of mouth
Make the service understood
Establish advertising
Advertise to employees
Promise what is posible
Vividness strategy advertising approach that uses cocrete language, tangible objects and dramatization techinques.
Interactive imagery uses pictorial representations, verbal associations, and letter accentuations that combine an organizations name and its service to establish a stroing link between service name and performance in customer minds.
Service profit chain: link between
Customer loyalty
Employee loyalty
Investor loyalty
Customer relationship management (CRM) help organizations attract and retaing profitable customers for the long term.
Suggestive selling is the act of offering additional or complementary service-related options ( person and electronic media).
Customer deligh occurs when customer expectations are significantly exceeded.
Service quality:
Provider’s perspective means the degree to which the services features conform to the organizations specifications and requirements.
Customer’s perspective means how well the service meets or exceeds expectations.
Links that connect customer and provider:
1.Service delivery link is the interactive nature of the service and is strengthened through satisfying service encounters.
2.Customer satisfaction link is the connection between customer’s level of satisfaction and degree of loyalty.
3.Customer provider link represent the mutually rewarding relationship between the customer and the service provider.
SERVQUAL scale designed to measure customer perception of service quality along 5 key dimensions: tankibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy of the service provider.
e service is the extent to which a website facilitates efficient and effective shopping, purchasing and delivery of products and services.
Discrepancies in service systems:
1.The market information difference between what the customer expects and managements perception of what the customer expects.
2.Service standards when management fails to accurately translate its perceptions of customer expectations into the service design.
3.Service performance difference between what the service organization is designed to deliver and the actual service provided to the customer.
4.Internal communications difference between the service provided and the service portrayed in various forms of marketing communication, including advertising.
Service quality difference between the service expected and the actually received.
Zone of intolerance the range between desired service and adequate service.
Service guarantee is a promise to compensate custoemrs if the service delivery fails to meet established standards.
Common mistakes:
-inadequate market research
-ambiguity in guarantee specifics
-lack of organizational structure
-CEO commitment
-Absence of performance evaluation
Advantages: forces the company to focus on the customer, sets standards for the employees and customers, generates feedback and build loyalty and discourage behavior.
Designing a guarantee: of explicitness
2.scope of what is covered
3.conditions of coverage