Question 1: Personally, I am super interested in the idea of Mass Communication and how it is different in so many ways then other forms. Transmitted by electronics or print to a large audience, Mass Communication are sent with no personal contact between the sender and receiver. It is often developed with a purpose, and before messages are sent out they often have to pass through "Gatekeepers" who chose what, when, and how messages will be delivered. I am intrigued by it because these differences mean it feels totally different to both the sender and receiver then other methods, as they never really interact. Also, I have my own experience with mass communication working an on-air shift at a public radio station, and quickly found that although what you send out could be heard by potentially hundreds of people, it often feels less stressful then saying the same thing to even a few. Because of this, I have found myself fascinated by the way people react to this relative lack of pressure, especially political figures and celebrities who say things seemingly without thinking on the radio, news, or social media.