Person-Centred Therapy
Non-directive Counseling
Humanistic Psychology
1940 by Carl Rogers
Innate purity
favourable external environment
Unconditional regards
Cultivate client's strengths
Allowed to express themselves
positive outlook
Human-beings are rational, independent and responsible for themselves
Everyone can solve their own problems
growth impulse ➡self actualization
Self Concept
behaviors are based on self concepts
Real self/ underlying organismic self
Self concept
the present self
continuous comment on self
formed by self experiences
constructed by significant others
Conditions of worth
influence our self regard
may internalize the conditions of worth ➡ losing of real self
Ideal self
Self valuing process
real self ➡self actualization (ideal self)
condition of worth ➡self concept (internalized others' expectations, losing of real self) ➡self oppression
when self concept and experiences are incongruent
real self and condition of worth are incongruent
dysfunction of defence mechanism
Therapeutic relationship
unconditional positive regard
favourable conditions
psycho-connection between worker and client
when client is hopeless, anxious and confusing
worker in the relationship is congruence
worker has unconditional respect and regard towards client
worker has empathy towards client and view from his/her perspectives
client could feel the worker's congruence, respect and empathy
wont hide the true self from the client
congruence in & out
help client to relieve from self defence and mask, face themselves
attitude instead of skill
neglect the frame of reference and use PISC
help client to develop self-awareness via empathy
4 steps(林孟平, 2008)
Give up the frame of reference
observe, listen and identify
deliver the experienced feelings to the client (empathetic response)
Unconditional positive regard/ respect
non-stop caring and warmth
wrong=/= they dont deserve care/dignity
respect the self, not the behavior
everyone is unique and valued
Roles of therapist
client takes the initiative
emphasise the self concept, and the interaction with the external env
caring and warm attitude
understand the client's feeling and perspectives
use an appropriate communication to the client
as a mirror
companion of the client & person
Therapy Aims
help client to be a fully functioning person (congruence)
concrete ideas of self
self-confident, has the ability to make self determination
accept him/herself
positive comments on self (self regard)
less oppression on the past experiences
mature behavior
stress is no longer a big deal
higher acceptance on self
higher acceptance on others
Case Analyze
identified problems
conditions of worth
real self
internal needs
empathy+ genuineness+ unconditioned acceptance➡ let client to understand their feelings and needs ➡ being able to express themselves and reach the congruence ➡ reconstructed self value and fully function person