• A network in which one or more computers act as
a server, and the other computers, called client,
request services from the server.
• Consists of two types of computers called server
and client.
– A server, or host, is a computer that controls access to
hardware, software and other resources on the
network and provides a centralized storage for
programs, data and information.
– Clients are other computers or devices on the network
that rely on the server for its resources.• Efficient for large network which handle sensitive
and confidential data.
• Require a network administrator to manage the
• Examples of client/server systems are:
– automated teller machine (ATM) network
– email service (ex: gmail)
– network printing
– World Wide Web (www)
– Online social network (ex: Facebook)
Advantages of Client/Server
• Centralized control by the server promotes
better security and management of the
• Data backup and recovery is easier since all
data is stored in the server.
Disadvantages of Client/Server
• High cost to set up and maintain the network.
• Less reliable because too dependent on the
server; failure of server will affect the
• Network congestion may occur if too many
clients request services from server at the
same time.