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Protestant Reformation (Lutherans (Lutheranism was created because many…
Protestant Reformation
Lutheranism was created because many Christians felt the rulings and the way of the Roman Catholic church were invalid and they thought that Martin Luther had figured out the better way of following the bible. The people felt that the indulgences were wrong and that the only thing necessary was the scriptures and the bible which was the only true words of god himself.
The 3 Core Beliefs
- Lutherans believed that indulgences were fake and that you yourself could rid your sines by following the scriptures. (McKay 394)
- The scriptures are the only thing that is important because they are the unfiltered words of god himself and that the clergy is unnecessary as long as you follow the scriptures (McKay 397)
- The only sacraments that are worthy are Eucharist and Baptism because they are the only ones approved by the scriptures. (McKay 397)
C&C With Roman Catholic Church
The similarities between the Roman Catholic Church and Lutheranism is that they both follow the bible and both believe in the same thing but how they show it is was differentiates them. One of the differences being is that Lutherans only believe in two of the seven sacraments and only follow the scripture and the words of the bible and nothing else.
The reason for the formation of the angelicans was that the king of England and others didn't believe in the strict laws and ruled that Roman Catholicism entitled so they changed the rules and allowed more religious freedom
3 Core Beliefs
- Anglicans believed in freedom from the scriptures and traditions allowing personal preference among the followers (McKay 409)
- Unlike many religions at this time angelicans believed in divorce an the separation of marriage. (McKay 490)
- Allowed women into priest hood and be involved in the church and clergy (McKay 409)
C&C from the Roman Catholic Church
The church of England and the Roman Catholic Church are almost complete opposites due to the fact that The England Church allows women to participate in the church and allow many other things and freedoms that Roman Catholicism doesn't allow. Leaving very little similarities other than the basic religion.
The reason for the whole upbringing for Calvinism was because Calvin believed that God had sent him to reform the church and that was what God had predetermined for him which lead Predestination to be one of Calvinisms core beliefs. Predestination is what made Calvinism separate from the others, the belief that God has already determined your fate and that your to just follow the path that he has set for you.
3 Core Beliefs
- Calvin strongly believed that only "The word of God" should be used to teach the faith nothing else. (McKay 398)
- Calvin believed in absolute sovereignty and omnipotence of God and the weakness of humanity, and that when God had created men and women they were as insignificant as a grain of sand. (McKay 410)
- Calvin also had believed in predestination and the fact that Go had a plan for everyone and in Calvin's words God decided "Who would be saved and who damned." (McKay 410)
Calvin had come up with his reformation of the church in Geneva, Switzerland
C&C from Roman Catholic Church
The separation from Roman Catholicism and Calvinism is similar to most protestant groups but is what make this one different is the belief in predestination and God having a set path for you to follow. What maintains the same between the two is that the bible is still the main source of teachings.
The reason for the rise of Anabaptist is that many protestants that had left the Roman Catholic Church had started to express their beliefs in radical ways and had believed you should be able to be baptized when an adult as a redo in a sense.
3 Core Beliefs
- Anabaptist believed in adult baptism which is the reason for their name (McKay 400)
- Many believed in expressing their faith in a more radical and extensive way than other protestants did. (McKay 400)
- Anabaptist mainly believed that one day that God would come down from the heavens and rid the world of the wicked and reward those who were true believers. (McKay 401)
C&C From the Roman Catholic Church
What had separated the Romans from the Anabaptist was that the Anabaptist had become radicals and that they believed God would come to punish those who were wicked and the Romans believed that God had loved everyone and that he would forgive you for your sins instead of punishing you.
The Puritans were formed because many believed the when the church of England said the broke off of the Roman Catholics Puritans believed that they kept some of their ways and tried to "Purify" the Church Of England.
3 Core Beliefs
- Believed that when the church of England church maintained to many catholic beliefs (McKay 409)
- Believed that the scriptures and the old testament held more power and importance than the Priest
- Strongly believed that the law of the church was good but only in moderation and felt that overdoing is almost as bad as under doing it and vise versa (McKay 408)
C&C to the Roman Catholic Church
Puritans were not much at all like the Roman Catholics because they tried to rid the Church of England from their control and beliefs, almost making them completely different other than the fact the the bible and the base religion is still there.
The society of Jesus was formed because everyone was trying to reform the church but, they believed in just strengthening the faith and helping others regain their faith instead of just reforming it.
3 Core Beliefs
- The Jesuits believed in helping the souls and strengthening peoples faith instead of reforming. (McKay 416)
- Jesuits also believed in religion being included in the school teachings so that young men and women can be tied in at a young age. (McKay 416-417)
- Believed in spiritual exercises and improving others faith through bringing other together. (416)
C&C to Roman Catholic Church
There isn't much that separates the Jesuits from the Romans because they both believe almost in he same facts, other than that the Jesuits want it to be taught in school. Other than that they are both involved with the clergy and the pop especially
Ursuline Nuns
3 Core Beliefs
- The Nuns believed in educating and the advancement of women (McKay 416)
- All nuns vow to celibacy (McKay 416)
3.The nuns believed in anointing of the sick and helping those who are in danger or in need of help (McKay 416)
The Ursuline Nuns was the first women's religious order. The reason for it's formation was to help teach young girls and help the sick and those in need. Also at this time education was not available to women and the nuns gave that to the women and that was their main goal.
C&C from the Roman Catholic Church
What separates the Nuns from the church is that it is mainly focused on women and Roman Catholicism gave women no rights. Thus, leaving the similarity between the two just the base beliefs in Christianity.