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0928 Histology--Introduction to Embryology (Formation of Placenta (Anatomy…
0928 Histology--Introduction to Embryology
Fetal Period(9-38W)
Embryonic period(8W)
Week 1
Implantation D7
endometrium 子宮內膜
blastocyst D4 (~ 60 cells)
Inner cell mass 內細胞團
Bilaminar embryonic disc 雙層胚盤
Hypoblast 下胚層
Epiblast 上胚層
Trophoblast 滋養母細胞
Cytotrophoblast 細胞滋養母細胞
Syncytiotrophoblast 合體胞滋養母細 胞
Morula D3 12–32 (blastomeres)
4-cell stage D2
Fertilization --> Zygote、cleavage
Week 2—The Two-Layered Embryo
fibrin coagulum 血纖維蛋白凝塊
Trophoblast lacunae
Maternal sinusoids 血竇-->utroplacental circulation
Exocoelomic (Heuser’s) membrane 胚外體腔膜 ,exocoelomic cavity / primitive yolk sac
Decidua reaction 蛻膜反應
Extraembryonic mesoderm 胚外 中胚層
Extraembryonic somatopleuric mesoderm 體壁層
Extraembryonic somatopleuric mesoderm (chorionic plate)
Extraembryonic splanchnopleuric mesoderm 內臟層
Connecting stalk
umbilical cord
Week 3—The Three-Layered Embryo
Derivatives of the Ectoderm
The Notochord
Prechordal plate 索前板
notochordal plate
Oropharyngeal membrane and cloacal membrane
Neuralcrest cell
neural plate 神經板 --> neural groove 神經溝-->neural tube
cranial neuropore
Maternal folic acid 葉酸 deficiency--> Anencephaly 無腦畸形 ,Spina bifida 脊柱裂
Dynamic Changes of Developing Embryo
Derivatives of The Mesoderm
paraxial mesoderm
Somite Development
Myotome 肌節
Dermatome 皮節
Sclerotome 生骨節
Lateral Plate Mesoderm
Parietal (somatic) mesoderm 體壁中胚層
mesothelial membranes 中皮膜 (serous membranes 漿液膜)
Visceral (splanchnic) mesoderm 臟壁中胚層
gut tube
Intraembryonic body cavity (coelom) 胚腔
Extraembryonic mesoderm
Extraembryonic mesoderm--Hemangioblasts--> Hematopoietic stem cells, Angioblasts--> Blood and Blood Vessels
Yolk sac-->Digestive tube
Intermediate mesoderm 中間中胚層
Endoderm Development
Primitive gut 原腸
Foregut 前腸
Midgut 中腸
Hindgut 後腸
Primitive streak 原條
Three Germ Layers
Primitive node 原結-->(primitive pit
Week 4 — The Body Takes Shape 2
Derivatives of the Endoderm
Derivatives of Germ Layers
Week 5-8 – The Second Month of Embryonic Development
Formation of Placenta
Primitive Umbilical Ring
Dizygotic Twins
Monozygotic Twins
Labor and Delivery
Expulsion (second) stage
Placental (third) stage
afterbirth 胞衣
Dilation (first) stage
Parturition 生產
Twin Transfusion Syndrome