Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted by Malcolm Gladwell
What is this essay about?
The way social media has reinvented social activism
The difference between revolutions in the past vs. now and their effect
“Many hands doing light work”
Idea of being involved but it is less meaningful.
Social Media as a tool
It allows us to bring awareness to situations
Spread of information and spread of dis-information
Thesis Line
Strong vs Weak Tie
Strong Ties: Someone that you're close with and have a strong, direct connection to.
Weak Ties: Acquaintances, help the cause, but not committed to the cause. Mostly what is used on social media. No tiers, just a bundle of "friendship"
Comparison of two ways of doingt higns
“Fifty years after one of the most extraordinary episodes of social upheaval in American history, we seem to have forgotten what activism is.
Hierarchy vs Network: Structure of the activism has their pros and cons
More likely to produce results (i.e. Dangers protestors faced: violences, and threats. Why did they stay? Discovered was that the main similarity was: personal connection to the movement itself. Though those who left were equally as passionate, it was about the personal connection that made it greater
Put yourself out there to put everything on the line
Good way to introduce new ideas and bring people in and move ideas, and allow for new connections between people.
Rhetorical Techniques/Mode
Compare and Contrast: tool
Strong tie vs Weak tie connections
Activism before and after everything
We can all agree on the 'logos' of something but when it comes to the personal and values of everything, that is what keeps people more engaged.
"weak ties seldom lead to high-risk activism" Not trashing weak ties but simply pointing out that it does mot lead to high risk activism: it doesn't lead to the moving results as Strong ties would.
With Weak ties, you cannot ask for much. "it is a kind of commitment that will bring only social acknowledgement and praised"
Makes you feel good by "liking" something "retweeting" something
Hard work with need for commitment
"They seem to believe that a Facebook friend is the same as a real friend and that signing up for a donor registry in Silicon related lunch counter in Greensboro in 1960"
Does it take away from motivation?
Rhetorical Arguments: Over the course of time, our idea of social activism has changed, for the worst
Hierarchy: functions with one main idea/goal/person on the top (i.e. "fever") to make sure things are organized and strictly following guidelines to ensure the results that are desired
Network: "social media are not about this kind of hierarchies organization. Facebook and the like are tools for building networks, which are the opposite in the structure and character of hierarchies. Unlike hierarchies with their rules and procedures, networks aren't controlled by a single central authority. Decision are made through consensus and the ties that bind people to the group are loose. "
"a carefully demarcate division of labor, with various standing committees and disciplined groups. each group task-oriented and coordinated its activities through authority and structures. Individuals were held accountable for their assigned duties and important conflicts were resolved by the minister who usually exercised ultimate authority over the congregation"
Takes effort, organization, takes longer for good process
"Networks are resilient and adaptive in low risk situations."
"because networks don't have a centralized leadership structure and clear lines of authority, they have real difficulty reaching consensus and setting a goal. They can't think strategically; they are chronically prone to conflict and error. "
Hierachy vs Network: their pros and cons
Good at spreading the word but do not challenge/produce systematic change
Example of Martin Luther King and ends with how things would be different if it were based on social media
Cell Phone Story
Begins with the narrative of a high risk activist story, ends with another narrative about a man who loses cellphone and news is spread online, etc.
Ends with the example of the weak-tie, network method. Though it gives information, it promotes resilience and adaptability
Implies that this is pathetic.
"It makes it easier for activist to express themselves, and harder for that expression to have an impact