The Five Roots Of Usul ad-Din
Tawhid 👤
Allah is One.
'None is like Him'. If you associate him with anything it is to commit the greatest sin 'Shirk.'
Shirk means association. Nothing and no - one can be compared to Allah.
⭐ "Say, Allah is One. Allah is He on Whom all depend. He does not beget, nor is He begotten. And none is like Him." Qur'an 112:1-4.
Prophethood 👥
Allah sent messengers to guide people to the right path and Prophet Muhammad was the last of them. This means a peaceful life, and lived in total submission to Allah.
⭐ "and to Him we have submitted" Qur'an 136.
Justice 🎊
Allah is 'The Just' and 'The Wise' which means He does no wrong.
"Indeed Allah commands you towards Justice" Qur'an 16;90
Imamate 👥
Prophet Muhammad said that 12 imams from his own tribe would succeed him as leaders. Shi'a s believe that the first 11 led the community but the 12th disappeared after his father's death.
The 12th imam is called Mahdi, meaning 'guided one'
All imams are seen as infallible and can do no wrong. They are the protectors of the faith, ensuring the teachings do not become corrupted or spoiled.
⭐ Allah said 'Surely I am going to make you an imam for men'
Resurrection ♻
There will be a Day of Judgement. Every Muslim and non Muslim will be judged by Allah.
Humans will be physically resurrected to stand and be judged for their actions on Earth.
⭐ 'I swear by the Day of Resurrection' Qur'an 75;1