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memory of the war (The three phases of the war (The third phase was the…
memory of the war
Churchillian myth: the belief that the war was won and Britain was saved through the help of a few important individuals like Churchill. He was regarded as an absolute war hero by the people in spite oaf all the damage the country had endured during the war. Thatcher later on during her years in parliament claimed to be imitating Churchill in her decisions, he was role model to her. C. was a very good speaker very influential and convincing he was good at winning the people's hearts. He was very effective in using formal and informal propaganda.
Britain was happy to be left alone and no longer burdened by the French, proving their determination from the start. battle of Britain is a good example of the CM, the heroism of the of the pilots of the RAF. British pop. is truly indebted to them. Also serves the PWM the factory workers were very helpful. However we do not always mention what does not benefit the CM or the PWM for instance the help of all the foreign pilots. The moment Hitler saw he didn't stand a chance he decided to move on to the Blitz because Britain was not ready to surrender and the germans understood they wouldn't let themselves be invaded. BOB very important because the men who fought prevented invasion.
How did Churchill help the war effort, through effective propaganda, gathering an effective war cabinet with former rivals. Earned the trust and admiration of the Labour politicians. He believed he could establish himself easily in parliament but he was old and was known for his former failures. His intervention was crucial when Britain was facing nazi Germany alone. Churchill praised for having brought the allies for help. A list of successes during the war Normandy Africa, Battle of Britain Atlantic convoys against german u-boats failures, loss of Singapore and in the Far East + hardship at the beginning of the war.
Why has Churchill lost the 45 election to Labour Party: Conservative Party had been for 15 years. In power during the great depression not considerate of poorer people.Being economically weak no one wanted them back in power. wanted change. Beverdige plan appealing people wanted less social division and a welfare state. Churchill accused people he brought to his party of being communists, no socialism this meant there would no longer any freedom of speech gestapo and emprisonment. Churchill followers outraged by the fact that he lost the elections, nation seen as ungrateful. Beginning of the war he thought he could establish himself as a leader in parliament however people were skeptical because they remembered his past failures. however he became by luck PM when Hitler withdrew from Norway.
- the government helped the people thoroughly during bombing times
-War service together regardless of social class
everyone listened to the BBC together
-Unity and fighting together through this war
women all worked either for the land army or the WAAF, Women's auxiliary Air Force analyzing photographers and office jobs. They also worked as stenographers and drivers.
Reality: social division (shelters, convenient locations etc...)
- Soldiers were assigned different roles depending on their social class.
social changes were not permanent things went back the way they were.Women stopped working (forced to quit or did it voluntarily)
Not so much unity
thieving blackouts and air raids were optimal to allow that.
- Leaders not seen as heroes, people looked sullen and hostile.
- people with money could beat rationing
People's war myth: the belief that victory was due to national unity and the actions of the people as a whole. a nation united and fighting against evil and never affected by German victories. An enate sense of bravery and stoicism. Some propaganda and photographs helped promote this myth. The PWM was helpful during the Labour Party campaign
What happen during the battle of Dunkirk, a myth is something a large group of people or an entire population is made to believe. In Britain people were told that Dunkirk was a success but Churchill stated privately that it was the greatest military defeat in centuries. Politicians typically put a spin on things to make something negative more positive. The myth claims that many people in D. were swiftly saved by private boats showing solidarity and bravery in the British population as well as their unity. The truth is most soldiers were saved by navy ships. The British blaimed the French for surrendering and the Belgians for betraying and abandoning them but the truths is the opposite actually happened. In fact it was French defenses that allowed the British to flee. This was propaganda important for the population's morale. A lot of soldiers had left their equipment, died or were made prisoners.
Propaganda, solider with balled fist and the population ready to face German troops. They refused to surrender the way France did, mid may mid June. Portraying Britain as a strong powerful nation that will fight to the very last men. The storm lurking in the picture shows that it will not be easy but that the british are ready to go through it. Memorable Churchill quotes:"blood sweat and tears", "if you are going through hell keep going", "keep calm and carry on"
The Falklands war, Argentina wanted to win the people's heart, domestic use by reconquering the coast but Thatcher sent troops and prevented that from happening. Conservative hated foreign leaders especially the French president at the time. She hated the EU she felt like Britain promoted equity and fairness unlike other countries. She fought a war in argentina controversial decision she did not listen to the advice coming from other countries. The war resulted loss on both parties. boat torpedoed debate on whether or not it is factor fiction.she wanted to compare herself to Churchill she was actually saving england.
Took place 40 to 41 after the battle of Britain, Germany wanted to lower British morale. heavy air raids and bombing destroying houses, infrastructures and cost several civilians their lives. Drastic measures were taken even though they were not always optimal
The different type of shelters: The mickey shelter created by a hunch back, at the origin of a committee which could elect their own leaders. Some of the shelters were not even underground they were on the streets: would be destroyed instantly cement was made of lemon and sand. The accommodations and security measures for those who didn't have a private shelter, a basement or even a home were. The underground tube system became ideal, some really walking through London station with a line of sleeping Bodies, there was very little intimacy however.
Britain being a friend of the US demanded quite a bit of money even after the war. Being economically drained people questioned whether on not she was going to remain a world power. Britain wanted a welfare state to assist its population from the cradle to the grave. protect her empire and preserve th losing her grip in the Middle East and india and became even less influential after the war. In spite of being overshadowed by Russia US she still owned some prestige and a reasonable portion of Germany. But the economic issues she was facing had us question whether or not she could remain a world power.
PWM was very useful with that people were appealed to the welfare state because it was connected to the Beveridge plan. C. had cleverly gathered some Labour Party men and others from rival parties into his war cabinet. they were no longer seen as a lot of employment at that time the trades union cooperation with the government. effective coalition wartime cabinet Churchill. However the cons. were valued because the conservatives were a big no no. Nationalization of the industries was an appreciated move even though it was going to be complex. however lack of competitiveness due to lack of money
Thatcher didn't like miners, miners union incident police intervention another controversial decision. Leader scangyll = Staline and Franco. struggle with the trade union in 1979 went on strike alot bad for the economy had to put an end to it. The trades union ended up losing.
Conservatives want things to stay the way they are traditional society with social division. didn't help population had to focus on yourself and england had to focus on herself as well.
After the war loss of colonial power they thought they were victors why give it up. they saw continental europe as weak they felt as if they didn't need help supported, turkey Greece and Palestine and joined In the Cold War. pretended she didn't need but actually got some from the US.
faithful base either voted for the cons. or didn't bote at all. Labour was praised in a way it never would've had otherwise.
people wanted equity especially because the country was economically weak they didn't want to return to poverty and social division as they once had.
believed that Labour would have won anyhow margin of victory. Churchill had had a coalition government during the war created a lot of employment trades union was appealing --> Labour Party.