My current perspective on teaching literacy will influence how I teach reading because, I will focus on providing each student with quality instruction, and supporting the unique development of students. I plan to do this through, recognizing my students funds of knowledge early in the school year: thus, allowing me to adapt and expand my lessons in order to better utilize students' prior knowledge.
Moreover, supporting struggling learners, or CLD learners is very important to me because as a child I struggled with reading and writing, and I remember how my teacher always spent extra time explaining activities to me, as well as adapting his lessons so I could achieve my own level of success and develop literacy skills.
As an educator, I will need to be aware of my students diverse learning needs and abilities in order to help them achieve success. I can do this through adjusting my expectations during the early stages of learning, and ensuring my objectives for students are suitable for their diverse learning abilities, and zones of proximal development. Moreover, ways I can support the diverse needs of my students is through incorporating activities such as: shared reading, and guided reading.