Fundamental concepts: TERRITORY- Core of political geography- territory and territoriality, inextricably interrelated- territory is to be understood through its relations to those activities we define as territorial- the exercise of territoriality. Influencing the content of an area, which means defence, spaces which people defend, excluding some activities and including others. Tariff and quotas on immigration. Examples on all scales- gated communities in American cities, Greenbelts in Britain, any form of land use zoning is a territorial form of activity. Also inclusionary- regulating the content of geographic areas by attracting certain sorts of people or activity. Attracting investment flows, inclusionary and exclusionary for different groups of people- gentrification, territoriality is derivative of other crucial concepts, mobility and immobility- the reproduction of particular distribution of objects, depending on various sorts of flow, the city changes, more recently, idea of settlement, immobilisation in a particular place, people move country to country in retirement, however roots, expensive to move out, become embedded. People, firms, organisations may be very dependent on what happens in the area they are located in. Return on houses, people moving in and out can threaten your investment. Firms, organisations and firms defend their territory and the advantages it provides them. Territory- the desire to influence the content of an area. Typically draw in the power of the state.