Elizabethan society had a hierarchy of classes:
-Monarch (divine right of kings)
-Gentry- lesser nobles and knights etc
-Yeomen and Tenant farmers- yeomen were farmers who owned their own land and tenant farmers were those who rented it from the rich
-Labourers, craftsmen, servants and the poor.
Most people in Elizabethan times believed that Monarchs were chose by God (the divine right of kings). Te monarch ruled by themselves save for small group of advisers, they met with Parliament to help pass laws and approve emergency taxes.
They also appointed Justices of the Peace to help keep order and control throughout the country.
Mary had left Elizabeth with a debt of £250,000 which would be approximately £375,000,000 in today's money, this put Elizabeth in a difficult position as he didn't have enough money to keep a full time army in case of attack. She kept a good navy however.