Visualise yourself standing at the top of a spiral stairway leading down to a basement. It does not look inviting, but it is the way you must go. Descend step by step into the darkness. The only thing to be afraid of is yourself, for this is your subconscious.
At the bottom of the stairs you see an open door and enter a room filled with all kinds of things: old furniture, books, papers in filing cabinets, toys (some of which are broken), clothes, keepsakes, and photo albums.
All this belongs to your life from birth to this moment.
Your task is to sort through them. Each article will bring up memories, good or bad, funny or sad.
In the middle of the room is a dustbin (garbage can); any memory, emotion, or experience you want to get rid of...throw it in here.
Take time to recall the memories of these objects, and see if you want to keep any.
If an object brings up something you need to look at more closely, try to resolve the emotion.
Before you leave, bless the things you have discarded and let them go. This leaves you free of unwanted emotions, but the experience you have gained will remain.