The Quote "Eutanasia and Abortian should be band" i disagree with, but religious people tend to agree, this is because there is a term called Sanctity of life, which states all life is special to god, and ending one is like destroying part of god, this means Christians and Muslims, look after crops and act in an Steward way, taking care of gods bellongings. However there are some quotes which can disprove this comment, such as "love thy neibour" which sproves the point that loving can be doing what is most painless for the recipient, for example, if someone has curable pawsaw developed late in life, and they don't want to suffer the pain they may choose death, which is what they want, so the loving act would be to do what they want to dowith their life
in conclusion i belive that There is nothing wrong with Euthanasia or abortion, as it is doing what is most loving for the mother and recipient, which prevents pain, and sanctity of life means many things, animals, murder, but dosent cover self harm, so i think its more important to follow"love thy neibour" for this as it is most loving, which is what god wants