How could a magnet help us to find a needle in a hay stack?Outcome: BLOG with photographs and reports
Which materials are attracted to magnets?
What type of materials are magnetic?
Are there any materials that are not magnetic?
Do magnets that attract materials the strongest also repel each other the hardest?
Can you see any patterns?
Are all metals magnetic?
Are all magnets the same?
Are two magnets better than one?
Are bigger magnets always stronger?
How do magnets behave?
Which materials block magnets?
What are magnetic forces effected by?
What distance do magnets work?
How can you use magnets to measure the thickness of a book?
What happens when i cover a magnet in a material?
How can you push and pull with a magnet?
When can we use magnets in real life?
How do magnets work?
What is meant by repel and attract?
How can I make objects levitate above each other?
What are magnetic poles?