Embracing Truth amongst Itching Ears

Key passage(s)

2 Timothy 4:1-5 (Itching ears)

Many NT letters writen to correct false teaching (diff issues)

Key points

Bible predicts that people will go astray (2 Tim 4:3)

There will be many teachers who say appealing unbiblical things (2 Tim 4:3) and many wanting to hear them (v4)

Be prepared to preach, correct, rebuke and encourage (2 Tim 4:2)

Keep your head and expect opposition (v5)

Examples of false teachers on SSA

Steve Chalke

Rob Bell

Jeremy Marks

Alan Chambers

Matthew Vines

Roy Clements


Kevin DeYoung book

Pete Williams mp3 (Keswick 2017) "Trusting the scriptures"

Vicky Beeching

How to respond

Unhelpful examples

Tim Farron? (don't be bullied)

Like Westboro Baptist Church? (don't bully)

Helpful examples


Truth and grace - win people not arguments

"Radical reorientation of the church towards the scriptures"

"Get obsessive about the scriptures"

Awareness of our culture

David Landrum "Post Truth" talk (Westpoint 2017)

Renew your mind --> read, listen to good resources

Reflective questions

What do my ears itch to hear?

Do I put Christian teachers on pedestals?

Don't be surprised (2 Tim 4)

Don't encourage false teachers (Titus 3:10-11)

??? (don't be silent)

Identify false teachers by their attitude to scripture (Titus 1:16)

Genesis 3:1 - "Did God really say?"

2 Cor 11 (False Apostles)

Satan appears as an angel (v14)

Listen to godly informed teachers, not orators (v6)

Better Story (Glynn Harrison)

Keep calm (see photo) and trust in our sovereign Lord

Post-truth age (truth devalued)

Media culture that undermines Christian faith

Expect opposition and persecution

Matthew 7:24-29; Luke 6:46-49 "House on a rock"

Tell a better story (cf Glynn Harrison)