Changes After the Cold War
Eastern Europe
Western Europe
Middle East
North America
South and Southeast Asia
East Asia
Social Changes- The country of Czechoslovakia split into two separate regions due to tensions between the Czechs and the Slovaks.
Social Changes- Resentment towards foreign-born residents in France created tension between the Muslim community and the remaining French population.
South America
Economic Changes- Lula da Silva pursued a policy of increased trade and educational reform. This led to the expansion of the middle class and created new consumers while it continued to increase exports.
Social Changes- Bachelet used revenue from copper resources to fund social programs for women and children in Brazil.
Political Changes-In the late 1990s and the early the trend changed to left-wing governments. The election of leaders such as Hugo Chavez make this trend evident.
Political Changes- Iraq fell into a civil war between Shia Muslims, who controlled southern Iraq and the Sunni Muslims , who control central Iraq. Elections held in 2013 led to the Election of Prime Minister Nuri kamal al-Maliki.
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Social Changes- Iran remains under control of Muslim clerics who limit rights of women, and the right to free assembly and free press. These acts led to protesting and fights for change.
Political Changes- The Chinese government began to allow women to take part in politics and gave the equal mutual rights during the 1950s and 1960s.
Social Changes- China began the one-child policy in 1979. This policy was put into place to control population growth by giving incentives to families who followed.
Political Changes- A ongoing dispute between India and Pakistan over the territory of Kashmir led t both countries testing nuclear war heads. In 2003, the countries agreed to cease fire and restore their relationship.
Social Changes- The Congress Party returned in 2005. They signed reforms which helped improve public work projects and hot lunches for all primary school children.
Economic Changes- In 1991, economic reforms promoted foreign investment and pushed India towards a free-market economy.
Economic Changes- The common currency of the euro was established after Britain joined the EU.
Political Changes- The communist government of East Germany took down the Berlin Wall, opening its borders with Western Germany. This led to the reunification and a new democratic government.
Economic Changes- Russia can credit its economic growth to its exports of oil and gas. The country has an estimated 6% of the worlds oil deposits and about 30% of the worlds natural gas deposits.
Political Changes- In 1988, the Polish regime agreed to free parliamentary elections. A new government was elected ending the 45 years of communist rule.
Social Changes- The Regan Revolution helped reduce welfare policies but cut spending on school lunch programs, food stamps, and job programs.
Economic Changes- Canada approved the North American Free Trade Agreement along with Mexico and the United States. Trade improved greatly for all three countries.
Political Changes- In 1992 when Bill Clinton was elected as president, he claimed to be a new kind of democrat. His way of government favored republican policies of the 1980s causing a change in the way things were run.
Social Changes- Uganda has made immense progress on the fight against AIDS. President Museveni involved a wide range of natural leaders as well as international health and social service agencies. The number of cases stabilized in the early 2000s.
Political Changes- Africa has had many female leaders in their countries. Luisa Diogo became minister of Mozam bique in 2004.
Economic Changes-In 1991, the Organization of African Unity agreed to establish the African Economic Community. This group intended to provide greater political and economic integration throughout Africa on the pattern of the EU.
Economic Changes- China adopted a agricultural policy which allowed farmers to lease land to peasants who paid rent. It also allowed peasants to make goods to sell. This helped China end problems of poverty and unemployment.
Economic Changes- North Africa and the Middle East were rocked by an immense uprising that led to a regime change in Tunisia and Egypt. Most countries in the region have a high percentage of young people, more than half of Egypt's 80 million people are under the age of 25. Most of these young people are unemployed.