Water pollution

Water availability

Sustainable water management

Health effects

Types of pollutants

Cholera: Bacteria called ‘vibrio chlorae’ cause a small intestinal disease known as cholera.

Amoebiasis: Water contaminated by amoeba can cause infection to the large intestine as well as the liver.

Dysentery: bacteria entering the mouth through contaminated water or food and poor hygiene.

Diarrhea: It causes frequent passage of loose, water stools that can cause dehydration and death to young children.


Rivers are contaminated by industrial waste, mainly 56.9% lead, 15.7% nickel, 15.3% chrome, 7.1% cadmium, 3.8% de cyanide, 1.2% arsenic and 0.1% mercury.

Industrial compounds. In Guanajuato clothes industry pollute the water with the 38%, food producers 34.1%, tabaco and beverage industries 21.7%, leather industries 5.1%, and electronic and cars industry pollute with the 0.2% each one.



Eco-technolgies that have been implemented in Guanajuato are the iron filters and even pressure filters.


JAPAMI informed that Irapuato has 5 water treatment plants, which guarantee that waste water is being treated so that then it can be use for the plants or certain crops.

Is technology necessary to preserve it?

Optimal use of water and its collection

Sustainable communities

The treatments that are been currently done in Irapuato are benefiting the community since for every 2.5 liters that enter this process .30 meters are extracted, which are trash. Al of this trash is seperated and The water that is left is given other uses.

As you can see the majority of countries that are in danger of not having water are countries located in the north of Africa and countries in the te southwest of America

79.9% availability of potable water in Irapuato's houses

It is necessary because with technology there are a lot of ways to preserve it like:
WaterHealth: they are water deposits for poor people.
Emfcy: this is water purification technology.
TaKaDu: it helps to prevent water leaks.

A lot of water un Irapuato is used for irrigating food, for example: around 7,000 cubic meters of water are applied to each hectare of the vegetables that grow in some enterprises here in Irapuato.

Decoopchilecl. (2016). Decoopchile. Retrieved 13 September, 2017, from http://www.decoopchile.cl/10-tecnologias-para-cuidar-el-agua/

Nature conservancy(2012).Irapuato Water Stewardship Assessment. Retrieved on September 11,2017 from https://www.nature.org/about-us/working-with-companies/companies-we-work-with/irapuato-water-stewardship-assessment.pdf

Ana Sofía León, Georgina Ramírez, Arely Contreras, Nadia Duarte

Irapuato a la vanguardia en Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales: JAPAMI. (n.d.). Retrieved September 12, 2017, from http://guanajuatoinforma.com/2016/01/21/irapuato-a-la-vanguardia-en-tratamiento-de-aguas-residuales-japami/

Irapuato, a la vanguardia en el tratamiento de aguas residuales. (2016, April 14). Retrieved September 12, 2017, from https://periodicocorreo.com.mx/irapuato-a-la-vanguardia-en-el-tratamiento-de-aguas-residuales/

People in Irapuato throw garbage into the river Silao such as plastic bags, bottles and cans, because people find it easier to throw them into the river the into trashcans.

According to the Asociación de Grupos Ecologistas de León, around 200 people had Hexavalent in the blood, and all of them had in common cancer.

The ININ confirmed the presence of alpha radiation at 300% above permissible levels in the water of Guanajuato.

According to the Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Medio Ambiente there are over 12 main companies in Irapuato which were detected as important water pollutants. They were warned about it otherwise they would have to pay taxes or be closed.

Guanajuato, 22 puntos críticos de contaminación. (2014, January 02). Retrieved September 14, 2017, from http://viaorganica.org/en-guanajuato-22-puntos-criticos-de-contaminacion/

Periódico am | roberto godÍnez. (2017). Periódico am. Retrieved 14 September, 2017, from https://www.am.com.mx/leon/local/detectan-158-empresas-contaminantes-15659.html

Mexico New Daily(2015). Radiation an issue for Guanajuato water. Retrieved from http://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/radiation-an-issue-for-guanajuato-water/

The Bloque Ecologista of Guanajuato researched that rivers are also contaminated by petrochemical solvents, lead, rodenticides. Some of these rivers in Guanajuato are: Silao, Temascatío, Turbio, Batán, Laja, Lerma and the dam La Purísima.

Química Central de México is responsible for contaminating around 30% of these water.