Roles and Responsibilities of E-Tutor

Information Provider/Access Enabler

Initial Assessor

Advice and Guidance Provider

Learning Facilitator

Champion online learning

Provide pre-course guidance to online learners

Implement online learning contracts

Develop and online relationship with the learner

Initiate activities that will facilitate and support online learning

Continually evaluate progress of learner

Denis, B., Watland, P., Pirotte, S., & Verday, N. (2004, April). Roles and competencies of the e-tutor. In Networked learning 2004: a research based conference on networked learning and lifelong learning: proceedings of the fourth international conference, Lancaster (pp. 150-157).

Barker (2002)

"pastoral care" of students

moderating conferences

acting as mentor

doing quality control of other e-tutors' work

Ryan et al (2000)

educational facilitator

nutruring online collaboration

creating an atmosphere of openness

assuring all participants their contributions are valued

building rapport within the group

Lentell (2003)

Facilitator and guide of the students

Simpson (2002)

Academic Support

Counselling Support

Leclercq & Denis (1994)

Methodological and content expertise support

Providing feedbacks and assessment

Charlier (2000)

Transmission of Knowledge (expert)

building new knowledge (mentor)

group collaboration to build new knowledge (group and student counsellor)

Denis (2003)

Support of starting activities

Solve technical problems

answer content questions

support methodology requirements

enhance metacognition process

assess student's work and provide "pastoral care"

Daele & Docq (2002)

Social Role

Organisational Role

Pedagogical Role

Technical Role

Definition of e-Tutor

Someone who interacts directly with learners to support their learning process when they are separated from the tutor in time and space for some or all these direct interactions

Central Roles

Peripheral Roles

Advisor / Counsellor

Assessor (formative and summative)

Process Facilitator


Metacognition Facilitator

Resource Provider

Content Facilitator




Manager ./ Adminidtrator

Goold, A., Coldwell, J., & Craig, A. (2010). An examination of the role of the e-tutor. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 26(5).

Salmon (2003)

Responding to contributions of inline discussions

Building on contributions of online discussions

Facilitating learner's transition into the online environment

Facilitating the learner through the comolexities of the learning activities

Collison et al (2000)

being aware of all postings within discussion forums

encouraging participation

keeping track of involvement of students

keeping the discussion focused

encouraging higher order thinking

Cox et al (2000)

Continual reappraisal in an
environment where technology change is constant.

Lee & Lim (2010)

Cognitive/ Intellectual Role

Managerial/ Organisational Role

Social Role

Technical Role

Packham, G., Jones, P., Thomas, B., & Miller, C. (2006). Student and tutor perspectives of on-line moderation. Education+ Training, 48(4), 241-251.

Paulsen (1995); Berge (1995); Collins & Berge (1996)

Technical Advisor



Salmon (2000)

Effective Managers

Practical Technical Skills: use of e-mail, discussion forums, chat facilities, video conferencing tools, awareness of website development tools

Engaging the learner in the learning process, Questioning and listening skills, providing direction and support, managing online discussions, building online groups, developing online relationships,Providing feedback, managing discussions to encourage knowledge sharing and interactivity

Monitoring the learning process, Evaluating the process of teaching and learning process, adapting and changing teaching and courses to accommodate the specific needs of e-learners

KOHUTOVÁ, L. (2008). A new role of an English teacher: an e-tutor (Doctoral dissertation, Masarykova univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta).



Providing subject-matter expertise


Providing technical support

Gerard (2002)

Supporting learners

Designing the course

Ensuring Quality

Higgison (2000):2.3

Managing a course

Guiding students throughout the learning experience

Motivating learners

Intewracting with the learners

Assessing learners

Dealing with any conflicts or difficulties

Higgison (2000): 3.1

Facilitating and nurturing a learning community

Facilitating Communication

Monitoring Attendance and Contributions

Supporting process-related activities

Providing access to administrative and other support

Providing sensitive online instruction and moderation

Guiding students through the curriculum


Tolerating differences

Helping learners to achieve their objectives

Shepherd (2002)

PEdagogical Role concerned with learning

Technical Role concerned with the computers and the networkstext

Creative Role concerned with the development of engaging events

Berge (1995)

Technical Role

Pedaagogical Role

Managerial (organisational, procedural, administrative) Role

Social Role

Work with IT. teach students how to use IT and help them with technical problems

Agenda, Goals and Deadlines setting, Timetable creating, Decisions making

Leading students to collaboration, showing them how to self-reflect

Creating friendly atmosphere, developing group cohesiveness and promoting human relationships, maintaining communcation.

Hootstein (2001)


Social Director

Program Manager

Technical assistant

Duggleby (2000)

Welcoming learners

Encouraging and motivating

Monitoring progress

Ensuring learners are working at the right pace

Giving information, expanding, clarifying and explaining

Giving feedback on learner's work

Ensuring learners are meeting the required standards

Ensuring the success of conferences

Facilitating a learning community

Giving technical advice and support

Ending the course

Bringing a fresh perspective to learning with new media and technological inputs

Assigning learning objectives in an online tutoring space

Using appropriately suitable media format for content delivery

Provoking responses from learner : Active Online Learning

Discussing optimal content length and time for online tutoring

Proving that learning took place in an online tutoring setup

Leveraging analytics for delivering tailored tutoring solutions