Have a POOL of FOREIGN volunteers for different tasks, whether it is (1) looking for a name (2) a translation of a specific passge. We could approach UNIVERSITIES abroad that teach Chinese, market the project as a 'reading exercize' for students, AND they get to help someone at the same time, and it takes only 2 mins. We could approach lang departments, get all their students to sign up, then the process is randomized according to abilities - so a student receives a request, and has to complete it within a day, otherwise it expires and goes to sb else. For translations, we could approach amateur CLASSICAL CHINESE reading groups (I am sure there are some in UK, Canada, and US), and ask them if they are willing to sign up to this free, voluntary project. In exchange, we could set up a points or rewards system for ppl who help on a lot of occasions - either $$ or a very fancy encyclopedia on CN history, philosophy or culture...