Innovation – PART 03
00 What company will embrace this innovation? What role does a corporate vision play?
01 Start with the strategic frontier selected for the initiative
02 Explore these three sectors: customer value, market dynamics, and business model innovation
"I cannot manage the past. There are other people in my government who manage the present. It is my unique responsibility as the leader to shine a spotlight on the future, and marshall the support of my countrymen to create that future." – MARGARET THATCHER
As businesses in technology-driven markets become more competitive, they will need more than management control systems and cost cutting skills to deliver a consistent bottom line. Future business leaders will need to have strategy innovation as a corporate competence to expand and create markets, driving revenue growth.
Strategy innovation will be driven by the company's desire to offer their customers greater value, keeping them one step ahead of current and future competition, or on a different playing field entirely.
These leading companies of the future will focus on, and be influenced by, their customer's current and emerging needs.
These companies will be diligent, proactive custodians of their future frontiers, constantly exploring for their proprietary and profitable futures.
Successful strategy innovation begins with a commitment to make your company more vital, more proactive, and more prosperous in the future than it is today.
Innovation —The process for implementing creative ideas.
Strategic planning —The process of deciding on the company's tactics for competing in the marketplace.
Strategic frontier —The unexplored area of potential growth that lies between today's business and tomorrow's opportunities. It is usually a market, product, technology, or business process that represents potential new growth for your company.
Strategy innovation —Shifting a corporation's business strategy in order to create new value for both the customer and the corporation.
The advantages of modular construction are reduced costs, consistent high quality, and a savings in time.
Design process. Wide-ranging benefits of increased collaboration and flexibility.
Construction schedule
Reduces construction time up to 50%.
Financial - cost control. Lowers hard costs, soft costs, financing costs, out-of-service costs, and provides a faster return on investment.
Craft - quality. The factory setting allows for the improvement of building craft.
Risk. It increases in the predictability of quality, cost, and time reduces the risk assumed by the client.
Relocatability. It creates the possibility of moving the structure to a new location.