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Global Religions (Buddhism (Attitudes (Buddha was always against the…
Global Religions
- Have a mind focused on what is real and a heart focused on love
- Selfless behaviour to bring peace to others
- To achieve ‘Buddhahood’ one must follow a hard eight step plan: 1) Samma Ditthi- the perfect view or understanding of things 2) Samma Sankappa- the right thoughts and attitudes towards everything 3) Samma Vaca- the perfect, most uplifting way of communication 4) Samma Ajiva- the right livelihood and the ideal way of living 5) Samma Kammanta- the right action 6) Samma Vayama- Full effort and energy 7) Samma Sati- the right mindedness and developing awareness 8) Samma Samadhi- concentration and meditation, and the whole body in one pointed mindedness and peace
- Reduce suffering by decreasing greed
- Buddha was always against the thought of being too attached to material things
- Buddha also learnt and taught his followers that looking for answers at extremes is a mistake, looking for answers at the middle was the wisest
- Buddha believed that you should be kind and compassionate to everyone, no matter their religion or background
- A common buddhist attitude is based upon being selfless and reducing selfish cravings to reduce the suffering
- Buddhahood is a state of compassion, insight, peace and steadfastness, and that is what each budha must follow o become enlightened
- It is important for buddhas to have have right speech, right goals and a mind focused on what is real and a heart focused on loving others
- Siddhartha (Buddha) left his wealthy life to see the sufferings of the poor, and was later the leader of the new religion Buddhism because of his findings and realisation of how to live the best life one can
- He decided life was ruined by one venturing too far of each extreme of life and that you should balance selfishness and selflessness in order to lessen the pain on others
- Buddha hood is the state of peace and compassion and enlightenment, which all buddhists strive to attain
- Many buddhists believe in god but they also know that actions are more important than beliefs.
- They believe in the story of the Buddha
- They belief that the universe wasn't at one point created, but is in a continuous cycle
Number of Followers
- Buddhism is the 4th most followed religion in the world
- This means that around 6% of the world population follow some/all of the buddhist teachings
- There are around 360 million Buddhists worldwide, most of them found in asia
- Most followers are in East, South- East and South Asia, in countries like Korea, China and Japan
- Religious set of laws called the Halakhah
- You should never walk more than 1 meter without a Kippah
- Pray after meals or at least once or twice a day
- Symbolic meaning in every day life
- Passover meal- escape from slavery
- Bat Mitzvah- importance of growing up
- Abraham was told he would have many children
- Began when Abraham was told by God to immigrate
- God gave them the ten commandments (rules for them to follow)
- Beginning of religion around the life of Abraham
- Founded over 5000 years ago
- Founded around Jordan and Israel
- Trust in the one who created all, gave all, and knows all.
- “Gods workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good work” (Ephesians 2:10)
- Live lives that are “holy and praising to god.”
Number of Followers
- There are Christians all over the world
- Around a third of the world’s population is Christian
- There are approximately 2 billion Christians in the world
- “ Love each other like I loved you”
- Celebrate the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
- Drink wine, eat bread to symbolise his body and blood
- God = affectionate, forgiving and attentive
- Main belief: Love others as God loves you
- Jesus believed more in Justice and kindness than in religiousness and he would communicate his beliefs by healing and feeding people them taught them about ‘his heavenly father’ until he was executed by crucifixion. After he was buried, his tomb was found empty and people began to say he was raised from the dead. This was backed up by claims of interactions with him - strengthening his teachings credibility.
- Jesus was raised by Mary and Joseph as a carpenter until he was old enough to begin preaching as the ‘living word of god’
- The Angel Gabriel was sent by ‘God’ to ask a young woman (Mary) to be the mother of his son - Jesus
- Get good karma = better rebirth, so higher status
- Brahman is real and does exist
- The universe has endless cycles of creation
- Life is sacreds and to be loved
- Everyone should try to achieve dharma
- Everything is one - other gods based on traditions
- Individual souls are immortal and will reincarnate
- Karma - laws of cause and effect
- Another goal of an individual soul is moksha
- Elephant headed god - wise patron of success
- Do your place in society without worrying about how things turn out
- You are reincarnated if you follow your dharma
- Karma - Laws of cause and effect
- Believe in many spiritual practices
- Any actions like this will produce bad karma (physical damage)
- However war is not forbidden in hinduism it is just wrong
- To take any soldiers killed in battle straight to the afterlife
- Trying to fight evil without doing any physical damage (Atheism)
- It is our Dharma (duty) to only fight in war when needed
- Our job is to do our duty or Dharma.
- Krishna says to fight for peace justice and truth.
- Mainly India + all over the world
Number of Followers
- Top 3rd belief in the world
- The “Qu’ran“ to be the only holy book
- Homosexual and lesbian relationships are forbidden by Islam, homosexuals are frowned upon and various islamic lawyers are trying to make being homosexual a crime
- They are taught that men and women are equal in the sight of Allah but have different purposes - men are to provide the financial means for the family and the women are to look after the home and family
- The Quran teaches you that everyone was created by Allah and that everyone is equal, there is no reason to treat people of different races differently.
- Shahada - Must declare publicly that there is no other God but Allah
- Muslim means one who surrenders to the will of God.
- Salat - They pray 5 times a day facing Mecca
- Zakat - Every Muslim requires to give 2 or 3% of their net worth to the poor
- Sawm - They fast during daylight hours during Ramadan to strengthen their willpower and reliance to God
- Hajj - Once in a lifetime every Muslim who is able to must make a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca rehearsing for the time when they will stand before God to be judged worthy or unworthy of eternal life with Him
Number of Followers
- 1.5 billion muslims all over the world
- Islam started in an Arabian mountain cave and has spread around the world.