Science as a process : The scientific method- an objective method to explore the natural world, draw inferences from it, and predict the outcome of certain events, processes, or changes.
Observing questioning
This is where the scientific method begins
Forming hypotheses
Hypothesis is a testable conjecture about how something works. it may be an idea, proposition, a possible mechanism of interaction, or a statement about an effect.
collecting data
Replication - the data collection procedure of taking repeated measurements.
Sample size hyphen the number of times a measurement is replicated in data collection.
Interpreting results
This typically involves two types of reasoning inductive and deductive
Inductive - is the process of making General statements from specific facts or samples
Deductive - is the process of applying a general statement to specific fact or situations
Disseminating findings
the dissemination of scientific findings allow other scientists to repeat the original experiment and verify or challenge results.
Testing the hypothesis
Control group hyphen a group that experiences exactly the same conditions as the experimental group except for the single variable under the study.
The results