Cranial nerves:
1) Olfactory: Olfactory epithelium in nose --> cribiform plate --> olfactory bulb. SMELL
2) Optic: retina --> optic canal --> optic chiasma --> optic tracts --> thalamus--> occipital visual cortex. VISION
3) Oculomotor: Ventral midbrain --> superior orbital fissure --> eye. MOTOR TO 4 EXTRINSIC EYE MUSCLES
4) Trochlear: dorsal midbrain --> superior orbital fissure --> superior oblique muscle. EYE MOVEMENT
5) Trigeminal: x3. Opthalamic (face --> superior orbital fissure --> pons SENSORY) Maxillary (face --> foramen rotundum --> pons SENSORY) Mandibular (pons --> foramen ovale MOTOR AND SENSORY)
6)Abducens: inferior pons --> superior orbitasl fissure --> eye MOTOR
7) Facial: Pons --> internal acoustic meatus --> stylomastoid foramen --> face. MOTOR, PARASYM MOTOR, SENSORY 5 major branches.
8) Vestibulocochlear: inner ear --> internal acoustic meatus --> pons/medulla border. SENSORY (but motor too)
9) Glossopharyngeal: Medulal --> jugular foramen --> throat SOMATIC MOTOR, PARASYMP MOTOR, SENSORY
10) Vagus: Medulla --> jugular foramen--> abdomen & thorax. PARASYM MOTOR, SOMATIC MOTOR, SENSORY.
11)Accessory: lateral rootlets C1-C5 --> foramen magnum --> 2 large neck muscles.
12) Hypoglossal: medulla --> hypoglossal canal --> tongue. SOMATIC MOTOR