Outline and Overview - Week 5 Assignment

An overview of the manual

Who the guide is designed for

An Overview of Social Learning

Training main objective

The purpose of the training is to introduce social learning options to use in the professional learning environment.

Current and newly hired employees who need to be trained in social media practices, social media tools, and what social learning is.

The manual is a self guided social media training manual

For employees in the organization

The training manual will help employees understand the concept of social learning

Help the employees understand the benefits of social media tools on behalf of professional development within an organization

Important training component for an organization launching a social learning platform to enhance professional development

Effective for Organization

Overview of 4 Social Learning Tools

Social Learning Definition

Social learning is learning through watching, talking, and interacting with other people. This happens through culture, daily interactions, and learning from the experiences of others.





Facebook can be used by organizations and instructors to maintain relations and educate their staff and students. Facebook allows users to share information, promote collaboration, enhance relationships and networking, and offers various tools such as instant messaging.

Image retrieved from Remind (2017).

Image retrieved from Pixabay (2017).

Twitter allows members access to information through videos, photographs and informational messages and links. The classroom would be able connect to each other through a designated hashtag. The hashtags connect to different subjects, news outlets, companies, and people.

Image retrieved from Pixabay (2017).

Image retrieved from Wikimedia Commons (2017).

LinkedIn is an effective social media platform for professional learning in an organization by providing the following benefits: professional networking and collaboration along with linking users through similar contacts, groups, interests, and location.

Remind is a social media platform that allows instructors to directly communicate with other teachers, students, or parents about classroom information, lesson updates, or new plans. This is done through text message, group messages and discussion, and a calendar.

Online and Face to Face Learning can be integrated and aligned to meet improvement goals. Allows for connection with worldwide networks/communities of practice. Expands opportunities for personal connections. Provides quick bursts of information for content collaboration. Allows various levels of information and innovations to be shared with a large community

This mind map shall showcase four major elements of the self guided Social Media training manual.

Showcase how social media tools can enhance training programs.

Review the Business goals and Objectives

Areas to Discuss

Discuss indicators of success. For instance, has communication within the company improved with the use of the social media tools?

Review Barriers that will be encountered

Review accountability and usage requirements

Discuss the hierarchy in the company with the social media tools. This can change since many of the social media tools allow for many users to provide content to the tools.

Discuss how information from other skill set areas is now shared through the different social media tools.