Retina (neural layer)
-The innermost layer
A. Pigmented part-thinner, outer sublayer that absorbs stray light
B. Neural part-thicker, inner sublayer that has photoreceptors, supporting cells, & neurons
-Contain photoreceptors that detect light; include...
Rods-for black/white vision (w/ shades of grey); highly sensitive to light so they work better in dim lighting
Cones-for color vision; highest visual clarity or sharpness of an image; need brighter light conditions; blue, green, & red
Fovea ("pit")- area of retina that has highest visual activity; has cones only; extrinsic eye muscles move the eyeball to focus light here
Optic disc (blind spot)- has NO photoreceptors; axons exit here to form optic nerve; BVs enter & exit here