My Game on scratch to help people learn algorithm







The main character of the game, will be able to be controlled with arrows, and can jump when up arrow pressed

The character that will be explaining the different terms of algorithms at the beginning of the game, and it would be kind of a tutorial because the cat will be explaining all the different terms of algorithm making sure that the player understands everything

Red lines

These sprouts will be there for so that the player dies whenever they touch the red lines and they would have to restart the game

Brown lines / ground

These brown lines are there for that the player can jump on top of them, and so that they won't fall


I am going to have a level for each term of algorithm, and at the end I am going to have a level to summarise everything. I am going to make it so that the levels get harder as you complete more of them and there will be a question asking the player a question about the algorithm terms and if the player answers the questions correctly they get on the next level and if they answer it wrong they will have one life less

click to edit

The player will have in total of 6 lives, and every time they answer a question wrong they lose a life, when they have 0 lives they lose and have to start the game again.


I will have bright colours in the game, mainly I will have primary colours, like blue green yellow red or brown, because the audience I am aiming for is not old people and I am aiming for young people that are interested in algorithms and wants to learn things, because old people won't play games to learn things.

Primary colours

Bright colours

Attractive colours

The characters that I will be having in my game would be mostly animated characters and characters that have a bright colour that is attractive, because on scratch there are mainly animated characters, and children like animated things more than real life things, and having bright colours on them attract people to play the game.



Light colours

In the tutorial I will be having the cat explaining all the terms of algorithm, and I have that so that players that don't know anything about algorithm can learn it and they can use the knowledge taught to complete the game, because without the tutorial the player won't be able to answer the questions in the game

Attractive colours

10 seconds each for every term of algorithm

Examples of algorithm terms and showing example codes in/of scratch