Unit 4. Direction of training with e-learning

Fundamentals and characteristics

The learning is mediated by the use of the computer so it requires an Internet connection

Facilita el almacenaje, el mantenimiento, la administración y la actualización permanente de los materiales y recursos sobre un servidor Web. (h) Promueve el aprendizaje flexible, colaborativo e interactivo apoyado en tutorías en línea

Department of e learning management

An e-learning department must manage the different strategies in e-Learning, project planning, instructional design, graphic design, layout, implementation, teaching, evaluation, monitors and continuous improvement.

Academic direction of e-learning projects

The academic direction of e-learning projects should be understood within the framework of a comprehensive talent development strategy, aimed at achieving the objectives of educational institutions in this case, companies and improving their levels of competitiveness

Direction of the processes of administration and management of technological environments and
of participants of an e-learning project

. The universities of the information society are institutions that must be governed with criteria of strategic planning that allow them to adapt to the organizational flexibility that society demands

Unit 5. Operational processes I: management of program production,
marketing and recruitment

The philosophy of e-learning will be based on a set of research techniques associated with the strategic analysis of the markets, as well as a set of marketing techniques associated with the operationalization of response actions towards the markets.

Management of the production of an e-learning program

On-line Education The e-learning courses of Business Initiatives will allow you: The possibility of choosing the most appropriate time and place. Interact with other students enriching the diversity of visions and opinions and their application in real situations.

Management of the dissemination and marketing of an e-learning program

The dissemination phase contemplates the set of actions leading to the commercial exploitation of the e-learning service that is intended to be commercialized.

Administration of e-learning courses

the person in charge of managing the course or contents is responsible for organizing the presentation, sequencing, work planning, access to assignments or evaluations, access to training content, etc.

Unit 6. Operational processes II: teaching, technological, financial and

Fundamentals and characteristics

Teacher management processes through ICT

Economic management of e-learning projects

Economic management of institutions or departments of e-learning

Web-based teaching offers up-to-date and unlimited resources, which makes it creative, as students must make an exercise in selecting the most appropriate sources adapted to their needs.

This is a group work that requires leaders who have an integral knowledge of the process and excellent relations with the other members of the same.

Making decisions about management processes is one of the most important tasks of the universities, these decisions are based on a well-structured planning process and strategies that lead to compliance with the institutional mission

The basis of any project is its planning and the budget is the tool par excellence of this process