Causes of World War I




Strong Army but didn't have things to put the army to test


Unification of Germany in 1871, caused its empire to grow and it made them resentful of the British empire

Triple Entente 1914 (Britain, France and Russia)

European powers fought to get control of colonies

Mostly in Africa

By Germans, British and French imperialists

Decline of the Ottoman Empire

European powers sough out for territory, influence or access in the Balkans or Eastern Europe

War Plans

Schlieffen Plan


British Empire was growing and occupied 1/4 of the Globe at its highest point

Responsible for many acts that led to the start of the war

Central Alliances (Germany and Austria-Hungary

Nationalism was fuelled by Imperialism, political issues and rivalry

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Balkans wanted independence from Austria-Hungary political domination

Naval Race

Britons vs Germany

Brazil joins in with USA

Assasination of the Archduke (initial spark)

Great Britain vs Germany in Foreing Markets and Tariff Wars

Public Pressure