Montgomery bus boycott and the impacts

the boycott

what intimidation tactics did they face

why did the MIA decide to extend the boycott

how did they manage to maintain the boycott

they extended the boycott because they unianimously decided to extend the boycott

what did king emphasise in his speech on the 5th december

what was the significance of the boycott

what was the supreme court ruling in 1956

how did the KKK respond to the ruling

what did the boycott show?

what were the causes of the boycott

what rules existed about segregation in the montgomery

what was the significance of rosa parks

who was Claudette colvin

the political organisations that controlled the boycotts decided to boycott the bus service because of the arrest of rosa parks

because roa parks had refused to give up her seat on the bus, it led to her arrest and the boycott

all of the coloured popeople would walk or use an extensive network of cars

they had nightly mass meatings

that it was undemocratic dn was against the constitution ect.

that the black community would stand togetyher and hekp each other to try and protest

arrest of black leaders

threats from the wite citizen council of killing black people

the kkk and other organisations where threatienng the black comunity

the police keptp areestign people

the supreme court ruled that the segregation on buses was wring and gainst the constitution

the conditions of the bushes where very poor for black citizens and they had to listen to the white bus drivers and follow their instructions.

she was well respected in the black comunity

she was sacked by her employer for when they found out about oher arrest, she lost her job as a seemstress

the white bus drivers could tell back passangers to stand if there where white citizens who did nto have a seat

they had to sit at the back of the bus

as was named by the media as being oen of the most influential people pf the 20th centurary

young girl who resited

they wouldld nto be violent

that america was not justfor white people, afericabn aericans also owned the country

homes of leaders were fire bombed

they would nto give up

they would remain non-viokntent and peacfull

thought, it was appleaed by teh city, hwoever the supreme court agreed with teh fedral court ruling, it was now iligal in montgomery to segregate buses.

they sent mobs of their members to intimidate the black areas

they where violent towards the black comntiy, however the blacks waved qaat teh KKK

they gradually dimishedover time