Summary: So after doing our research we saw the impacts sugar has on your body we realized that any menu or diet plan we make should have no or less sugar. So we went online and first looked for food pyramids that totally avoided sugar, which were diabetic food pyramids. Now in this pyramid, it shows avoiding all refined sugar and obviously have natural sugar but in very small parts. It also shows that you shouldn’t have white rice, pasta, bread, some vegetables, and junk foods altogether. They tell you to avoid these foods because they are all made of wheat flour. You may ask what does wheat flour do? So when your body consumes this flour you get an instant craving for more carbohydrates also known as sugars. It is also just unhealthy because when it is processed all the good parts of it like the vitamins and stuff are stripped of it to give it a smoother texture. Which basically means that there is nothing ‘healthy’ of it left.