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Clinical Messaging Regression tests (Push Tickets (Insomnia (CTI-2867…
Clinical Messaging Regression tests
Conversation Types
Named Conversations
Designed to talk about a specific topic, such as a patient, location or event.
Contains an editable subject and description to provide additional information about the conversation.
Can contain a priority which displays a full screen alert to recipients featuring important information.
Includes the option to add/remove participants at a later point in time.
Is created as soon as you provide details for the conversation (i.e. Subject, Priority and list of participants)
Creating a second named conversation with the same participants will create new conversation, even if the topic is set to the same value.
Each user in the conversation is provided with a set of access rights (Owner, Admin, Participant) which defines their administrative privileges within the conversion.
Direct Conversations
Designed for conversations about a range of topics with the same set of people.
Does not contain a subject or description as the focus of the conversation can change.
Do not have priorities and cannot be used to generate alerts.
Does not have the option to change the list of participants.
Is only created once someone has sent the first message.
Creating a second Direct Conversation with the same participants will re-open the previous conversation.
Conversation List
The Conversation List provides an overview of all of your current conversations.
Both Direct Conversations and Named Conversations will be interlaced into the same list, with the conversations ordered based on the priority (where enabled) and most recent activity.
To help you quickly locate a conversation within the list you can use the search box at the top of the page to filter the conversations.
These can be searched either by participant names (All Conversations) or the conversation’s subject (Named Conversations only).
The page header also provides a number of additional features. Pressing the menu icon in the upper left corner will open the slide-out menu, which shows information about your user account and access to the ‘Sign out’ button.
The upper right corner features a + button which is used to create a new conversation.
The page header also features the number of unread conversations in the Conversation List allowing you to quickly identify the how many conversations you need to look at.
The main section of the page includes a list of all of your current conversations. Each entry in the Conversation List displays a range of information which allows you to easily identify key details about the conversation
Conversation Title
Named Conversations will feature a coloured Priority/Subject marker followed with the topic of the conversation. If the conversation subject is updated at a later point in time this will be reflected within the Conversation List.
Direct Conversations will list all of the participants within the conversation (excluding yourself). These will be displayed in alphabetical order based on surname and may be truncated if the full list does not fit in the given space
Time/Date Updated
Where the update occurred on the current day, the application will display a timestamp.
Where the update occurred the previous day, the application will display the word ‘Yesterday’.
After 2 or more days have passed, the timestamp will be replaced with the date when the update occurred.
Conversation Icon
If the conversation includes multiple other participants, the icon will display a blue group icon featuring the number of other users in the conversation (excluding yourself).
If you create a conversation with no other participants, the blue group icon will also be used. However, the number will state ‘+0’ to reflect the fact there are no other users in the conversation.
Where the conversation contains only one other member, the icon will display the avatar for the other user. If this user does not have an avatar set, a default avatar will be used.
Where a conversation has been ended, a hatched background and ‘Closed’ icon will be used to denote that the conversation is no longer active. An X symbol will also be displayed on the right hand side which can be used to remove the closed conversation from your Conversation List.
Priority Markers
Named Conversations can include a priority to indicate how urgent it is for someone to read and acknowledge information held within the conversation.
This priority will be displayed within the Conversation List in the form of a coloured maker next to the name of the conversation.
Where the application has not been configured to use priorities, Named Conversations will use a blue ‘Subject’ Marker.
This Marker can also indicate a ‘Standard’ Named Conversation which does not feature a raised priority level.
priorities can be set to expire after a certain period of time. When this occurs the Priority Marker will turn grey to indicate that the priority is no longer active.
Information Symbols
Blue Dot
Indicates that there are unread messages in the conversation.
Red explanation mark
Highlights that there was an error when sending your previous message.
Pencil symbol
Identifies that you have entered some text into the message field, but have not yet sent your message to the conversation.
Logging in
When you first launch the Clinical Messaging application you will be presented with a login page.
To access the messaging portion of the app, use the credentials provided by your System Administrator to complete the username and password fields then select the ‘Log In’ button.
By default, when entering text into the password field each of the characters will be represented by a dot.
If you would prefer to show your password in plain text, select the eye shaped symbol to the right of the field.
Selecting this symbol a second time will convert the password back to dots to obscure it from view.
Once you press the button at the bottom of the login form, the application will check your credentials. If your log in attempt is successful, the application will navigate you into the app and display the Conversation List.
If the log in fails for any reason (lack of internet, incorrect username/password), the application will show you an error message and you will be prompted to re-enter your login details.
Logging in as a different user doesn't retrieve conversations
XMPP client bug when logging in as different users
IM: Why do I see a message saying logging out when I'm not logged in?
Conversation Screen
When you create a new conversation or select a conversation from the Conversation List, the Clinical Messaging app will open the Conversation Screen.
This page is used to send and receive messages within a conversation, and has a similar appearance to other messaging related applications.
The main portion of this screen is used to show the content of the conversation.
In a Named Conversation this will include not only messages and images, but also information bubbles which relate to administrative tasks (e.g. a member joining, leaving or changing access rights).
If you wish to review any previous images or messages within the conversation, you can scroll in the main area to view the conversation history.
To send a new message simply tap into the text field at the bottom of screen, enter your message and then select the send button in the bottom right corner of the screen.
If you wish to send an image, you can select the camera button in the lower left corner to take a picture.
Conversation Header
Left Button
Named Conversations & Existing Direct Conversations
When viewing an existing conversation, the left button will be set to a back arrow. This can be used to navigate to the previous screen.
New Direct Conversation
When creating a new Direct Conversation, an X icon will be featured in the top left corner. This can be used to exit the creation process if you no longer wish to create the Direct Conversation
Centre Text
Named Conversation
In a Named Conversation, the text in the centre of the header will be set to the Subject of the conversation. This text will update if the conversation subject is changed.
Direct Conversation (With 1 user)
Where a Direct Conversation features only one other user, the conversation title will state the name of the other user.
Direct Conversation (Multiple Users)
If the Direct Conversation features multiple other users, the title will state the number of other contacts in the conversation. This count won’t include your account.
Direct Conversation (With Self)
If you start a direct conversation with yourself, the text in the centre of the header will state your name.
Right Button
Named Conversations
Named Conversations feature an ‘i’ symbol in the upper right corner which can be used to view the contact information for other members in the conversation.
Direct Conversations
As Direct Conversations feature a range of additional options (e.g. View Info, Leave) the button in the upper right corner will reveal a menu. Note that the options in this menu will differ depending on your access rights within the conversation.
New Conversations
When viewing the Conversation List you can select the + button in the upper right corner in order to create a new conversation. This will navigate you to the ‘Select Contacts’ screen where you can specify who should be added as a participant.
To find contacts within your organisation, simply use the search bar at the top of the screen to filter the list of users. Depending on your app’s configuration, there are a number of values you can search, such as Name (first name and/or last name), Job Title and Role. If you only wish to search based on a specific value, you can select one of options under the search bar to narrow down which element of a person to search.
Once a list of possible participants has been returned, you can select participants by pressing on the corresponding checkbox next to each name. Any contacts which have been selected will be displayed in a summary at the top of the ‘Select Contacts’ screen.
Note that each conversation has a maximum number of users which can be added. This limit is the same regardless of the conversation type and once reached will cause hide the the checkbox next to any user that have not yet been selected. If you would like to select another user it will first be necessary to deselect one of the current participants by either pressing their icon within the participant summary or unchecking the box next to their name in the list of contacts.
To help you keep track of how many more participants you can add to the conversation, the header will display both the current number of contacts you have selected and the maximum amount allowed – e.g. Total 10 Contacts Added (out of 99). This may only appear after a certain number of participants have been selected and already factors your account into the numbers when calculating the number of additional participants available.
Starting the Conversation
Once you have selected all of the participants, you should select the ‘Direct‘ or ‘Named‘ button at the bottom of the screen to choose which type of conversation you wish to start.
Named Conversations
Selecting the ‘Named’ button will navigate you to an additional screen where you can enter a Subject and optional description for the conversation.
Where Priorities have been enabled, select one of the available options from the drop down list.
Once you have entered the additional information, select the ‘Create’ button. This will always create a new conversation, even if the list of participants and Subject match an existing conversation.
Note that Named Conversations are saved to your Conversation List as soon as they are created. It is not possible to cancel the creation once the ‘Create’ button has been selected, though the conversation can be ended.
Direct Conversation
If a Direct Conversation already exists with the same collection of participants, the application will open the existing conversation. This will include all previous messages, allowing you to pick up where you left off or talk about a different topic.
If you do not already have a Direct Conversation open with the chosen contacts, a new conversation will be opened. Note that this conversation will not be saved to your Conversation List until at least one message has been sent. Before sending any messages you can select the ‘cancel’ button in the upper left corner if you no longer wish to create the conversation.
Priority Conversations
The Clinical Messaging app can be configured so that each Named Conversation contains a Priority alongside the Subject and Description. Each priority has a number of different settings which can be used to affect its behaviour. This include the ability to group similar messages in the Conversation List, display a different Priority Marker and trigger a full screen Alert to notify users of important information.
In some cases the priority is set up so that it only lasts for a set amount of time. This prevents recipients from being alerted to information which is no longer important for them to view. When this occurs, the priority will expire and the conversation will revert to a standard Named Conversation.
In some cases selecting different priorities will cause the the Clinical Messaging app to generate an alert to notify recipients that there is a new conversation containing important information. The alert will cover the full screen and features the subject and description of the conversation along with a coloured header to help identify the priority of the conversation. The alert can also be accompanied by a notification sound and vibration pattern to help draw attention to the app.
In order to dismiss the alert, each recipient will be prompted to select the ‘Acknowledge’ button to show they have received and read the information. Once this has been done, they will enter the Conversation Screen and the conversation will function like a standard Named Conversation, though will feature the conversation description at the top of the page for easy reference.
Urgent Priority Alerts
Urgent priority alerts are designed for information which the recipients should action as soon as possible. The alert is displayed to the recipients as soon as the conversation has been created and will be displayed on screen even if the recipients are not using the Clinical Messaging app at the time it is generated.
To help draw attention to the alert, the device will also vibrate and play a notification sound. These will continue to play until the alert has been acknowledged, though can temporarily be muted if the device is offline (as you won’t be able to acknowledge the alert at this time).
High Priority Alerts
High priority alerts are designed for sharing information which the recipients should action as soon as it is convenient. Unlike urgent priority conversations, the alert for a high priority conversation won’t be immediately shown. Instead the conversation will appear within the Conversation List with a flashing Priority Marker to show there is an unread alert waiting to be viewed. When you are ready to view the alert, simply open the conversation from the Conversation List. Whilst the alert will fill the whole screen, it won’t however play any sound or vibrate.
If you do not want to immediately acknowledge the alert, you can use the back arrow in the upper left corner to return to the Conversation List. Re-entering the conversation at a later point in time will display the alert again (provided the priority has not expired) allowing you to read and acknowledge the information when it is most convenient.
Expired Conversations
As urgent and high priority conversations often contain information which is time-sensitive, the priority can be set to expire after a certain period of time. Once the priority has expired, the conversation will still remain active, but won’t display the alert to members who have not yet acknowledged the information.
The conversation will also display a grey Priority Marker and in some version of the app will appear further down the screen within the Conversation List.
Note that if you still have the alert displayed on your screen when the conversation expires, the alert will not be dismissed. This means you can still press the ‘Acknowledge’ button, but will be shown a message saying the priority has expired before entering the Conversation Screen.
The application can also be configured to automatically close priority conversations that have not been active in a certain period of time. This prevents your Conversation List from becoming cluttered with conversations which are no longer used. When this occurs the conversation will simply disappear from your Conversation List. For further information on how long a conversation must be inactive before being removed, please speak to your System Administrator.
Managing Conversations
Access Rights
By default, the user who creates the conversation will automatically become an Owner and all other members will be added as participants.
Once a conversation has been created, Owners can change the access rights of other members via the information screen.
To achieve this, select the menu button in the upper right corner of the conversation and select the ‘Edit Info‘ option. Tap on the name of the contact whose you wish to edit and select the desired level of access rights.
Note that the list of conversation contacts will include a label next to all Admins and Owners allowing you to quickly identify the current access rights of each user. If you are an Owner or Admin within the conversation, this will also be displayed in a black banner at the top of the screen for easy reference.
It should also be noted that the original conversation owner does not have any additional control over the conversation compared to a member who has been given the ‘Owner’ access rights. This means that a secondary owner can remove or demote the conversation creator.
Changing the Subject/Description
Each Named Conversation includes a mandatory subject and optional description to help you identify the purpose of the conversation. These values are set when the conversation is created, though can be updated at a later point in time by a member with the Owner level of access rights.
To change the subject and/or description, select the menu icon in the upper right corner of the conversation and choose the ‘Edit Info‘ option. The current subject and description will be displayed at the top of the information screen. If you would like to make any modifications, simply select the ‘Edit Details‘ button.
Adding Participants
Additional users can be added to a Named Conversation at any point in time. This action can be completed by both Owners and Admins using the ‘Add More Contacts’ button at the bottom of the information screen. Note that by default all new members will be added as participants, though conversation Owners can change the access rights of each member once they have been added to the conversation.
The ‘Add Contacts’ screen looks very similar to the one used to start a new conversation. Using the search box you can locate new contacts within your organisation and use the checkbox at the side of their name to denote they should be added. Once you have selected all of the participants you wish to include, use the button at the bottom of the screen to add them to the conversation.
Note that anyone who is added to a Named Conversation will have access to the full history of the conversation. This includes all messages which were sent before the member was added. If you do not wish for new participants to be able to view these messages, a new Named Conversation should be created.
Removing Participants
Current members of a Named Conversation can also be removed whilst the conversation is active. If the person being removed is a participant, this process can be completed by either an Owner or an Admin. Where the member being removed has a higher level of access rights, only a member who has Owner privileges can remove them from the conversation.
To remove a user, select the menu icon in the upper right corner of the conversation and select the ‘Edit Info‘ option. Tap on the name of the contact you wish to remove and press on the ‘Remove From This Conversation’ button.
Leaving a Conversation
If you no longer wish to participate in a Named Conversation you can choose to remove yourself from the conversation. This option is available for all members of the conversation (regardless of their access rights) and can be achieved by selecting the ‘Leave‘ option within the conversation’s menu.
Once you have left a conversation it will not be possible for you to access it to view any previous messages. To indicate this, the Conversation List will place a hatched background behind the corresponding entry and display a ‘Closed’ icon. If you wish to hide this conversation from view, the ‘X’ button on the right hand side of the entry can be used to remove it from the Conversation List.
Whilst it is not possible to opt to re-join the conversation yourself, other Admins/Owners can re-add you to the same conversation. If this occurs, the full history of the chat will become available, including anything said whilst you were not in the conversation.
Note that if you are the only Owner within a conversation you won’t be able to leave the conversation if the conversation contains any other users. In this scenario you must first promote an additional Owner and then opt to leave, or remove all other members before leaving the conversion. Where the latter is chosen, leaving the conversation will cause the conversation to end as the conversation will contain no active members.
Ending a Conversation
If a Named Conversation is no longer required, it is possible for a conversation to be closed. This option is only available for Owners of the conversation and can be achieved by selecting the ‘End’ option within the conversation’s menu.
Once a conversation has been ended it will not be possible for any members to view any previous messages. To indicate this the Conversation List will place a hatched background behind the corresponding entry and display a ‘Closed’ icon. If you wish to hide this conversation from view, the ‘X’ button on the right hand side of the entry can be used to remove it from the Conversation List.
Contact Information
The Clinical Messaging application provides a simple contact card for each user within your Hospital, Trust or Organisation. This includes a few basic pieces of information about the user, including their avatar, name and contact information.
In the majority of cases the contact information will also include a useful ‘Direct Conversation’ button which allows you to quickly start or re-open a Direct Conversation with the other person. However, this option will be hidden if you view a contact’s details from a 1-to-1 Direct Conversation with the same user, as you already have this conversation open.
There are a number of different ways this contact card can be viewed
Selecting a contact’s name when starting a new conversation.
Selecting a contact’s name when adding additional members to a Named Conversation.
Viewing the info screen of an existing conversation.
Note that if there is only one other member in the conversation, the contact card will be displayed immediately on this screen. If the conversation contains multiple contacts, a list of members will be shown and you can select an individual contact to view their information.
Contact tickets
CTI-2936 CM: Don't close screen if you go offline whilst selecting additional contacts
CTI-2850 Update contacts list with role functionality
CTI-2762 Contacts list in named conversation not updated
CTI-3119 CM Conversation and Contacts Lists are broken on Android (Original: Named Coversations Not Showing in Main Conversation Page)
CTI-2684 CM: User/Contacts Directory Investigation and Changes
CTI-2986 CM: Select contacts text needs to mention job/role or be more generic
CTISVR-279 Make contact count the same on Select Contacts and Add Contacts
CTI-2679 Autoscroll on selected contacts stops working after 11 contacts added
CTI-2677 Really long names overlap checkbox on Select Contacts screen
CTI-2485 Your username appears in search list of contacts
CTI-2414 Find Contacts is selected on page transition
Online/Offline Connectivity
If any connection problems occur during log in, the application will display an error message and prompt you to re-enter your credentials. If a lack of internet connectivity is detected once you have logged into the app, the header will turn grey and an ‘Offline’ banner will be displayed at the bottom of the page header.
Whilst the app is offline it will continue to function in a read-only mode. This will enable you to review recent messages and view contact details, but it won’t allow you to send/receive messages or start new conversations. You may also find that the application is unable to load portions of a conversation’s history. In this case, a message will be displayed within the conversation stating that additional messages can’t be fetched whilst the app is offline.
Once the connection has been restored the application will automatically attempt to reconnect and catch up on any missed messages. If the reconnection has been delayed for any reason, you can press on the ‘Offline’ banner to manually trigger a reconnection attempt.
Logging out
Logging out whilst offline takes you to the login screen with a logout button
To log out of the application, return to the Conversation List and select the menu icon in the upper left corner. You can then select the ‘Sign out’ button at the bottom of the slide-out panel.
The next time you wish to use the application you will be prompted for your login credentials. This allows different users to share the same device and prevents other users of the device from accessing any of your conversations.
Note that whilst you are logged out of the application you won’t receive any notifications for new messages/conversations. If you would like the app to stay connected, simply press the home button of your device to background the app so new messages can continue to be processed.
Stop optimising battery
To ensure that Clinical Messaging is always able to receive and process urgent messages, the application can be set up to run in the background of Android devices. When you first launch the application on an Android device you may receive a message asking if you would like to “Stop optimising battery usage”. If this prompt appears, please select ‘Yes‘ to ensure the application can function as designed.
Multiple devices
CM: Admin/Owner logged into two devices can get stuck when trying to add contact after leaving
CM: User logged into two devices can send message after leaving conversation
Attachment Tickets
CTI-3037 Add attachment functionality to scalability simulation
CTI-2643 CM: The attachment is too large. Please select a file lower then 4MB in size.
CTI-2644 CM: Selecting a replacement attachment wont overwrite the original
CTI-2944 CM: Attachments on android are stored in external storage, accessible to users (android)
CTI-2605 CM - Large file attachments failing with a 408
CTI-2829 Failed test: Attachment download on locked device
CTI-2474 8k attachment DB chunk limit
CTI-2632 CM: Long delay sending attachments
CTI-2636 CM: iOS (maybe Android?) not receiving new messages once an attachment times out on the deceive.
conversation tickets
CTI-2775 CM: Fallout from Bob updating the server
CTI-2180 Direct Conversations - Instruct Server to create conversation
CTI-2178 New Conversation - Server
CTI-3055 CM: Investigate what happens when recipient is added to a conversation with priority they don't know about
CTI-2951 CM: Closing/Leaving conversation adds to unread conversation count
CTI-2956 CM: Conversation Fetch retrieves conversations you've left and marks them as open
CTISVR-351 When a conversation gets removed it doesn't remove the messages in the conversation
CTI-2945 Clinical_Messaging: No invite and missing conversation on installation
CTI-2937 CM: Unable to add participants to existing conversation
CTI-2900 CM: Ending an urgent conversation before someone has responded causes a 'not permitted' error
CTI-2910 CM: Acknowledging High alert after conversation has closed causes errors
CTI-2912 CM: Adding user to expired urgent conversation still shows alert
CTI-2896 CM: Alert noise is not played for urgent conversations
CTI-2890 Imperial Additions: Add started_by to conversations
CTISVR-326 Does adding people to a conversation eventually display N people remaining? [Original: Only 8 participants can be added at a time]
CTISVR-309 Imperial Additions: Ending Conversations (ie Scheduler)
CTI-2832 Clinical_Messaging: Unable to find participant in conversation after swapping users.
CTI-2836 Imperial Additions: Creating a Conversation
CTISVR-306 Imperial Additions: Changes to the conversation fetch
CTI-2800 New Named Conversation members can't see existing members in conversation info
CTI-2798 Clinical_Messaging: duplicate direct conversations at the same time from different users
CTI-2170 Conversation Creation - Fetch a list of contacts (from server)
CTI-2487 When adding contacts to Named Conversation, current participants display in search
Push Tickets
CTI-2784 [Push] Clinical_Messaging: Push icon is missing it's image
CTI-2888 Push Templates based on priority
CTI-2664 Additional Push payload data for Urgent Conversations
CTISVR-350 [Push] - Reconnect on Push
CTI-2942 Same Push type (VOIP & App Start) - CM Dev & QA servers
CTISVR-345 Urgent Conversation push to display Alert immediately (without needing to connect to the server)
CTI-2633 Clinical_Messaging: IOS signing on to a second device stops push working on the first
CTI-3018 Add server timestamp to push message data
CTISVR-357 Voip Push server config
CTISVR-356 Enable Push (App)
CTI-2978 CM: Urgent conversation incorrectly displayed after clearing data
CTI-2983 Clinical_Messaging: Push on IOS isn't always launching the app in the background
CTI-2989 Clinical_Messaging: Force stop prevents android push from working
CTI-2990 Clinical_Messaging: Push on IOS only works intermittantly
CTI-3071 CM - When a push is received, perform an XMPP client connect immediately.
CTI-2825 [Push] Clinical_Messaging: Nexus 9 tablet plays two notification alerts
CTI-2830 [Push][To discuss when Edd is back] Clinical_Messaging: Multiple push messages play over each other on Android
CTI-2950 [Push] Only process push messages for the current logged in user
CTI-2972 Push shouldn't foreground app
CTI-2573 Server: Push Changes for Clinical Messaging
CTISVR-257 [Push] App: Push Changes for Clinical Messaging
CTI-2863 [Push] Normal Push using a VOIP Certificate
CTI-2610 Switch CM Dev Server to use Normal Push
CTI-2612 Azure reports iOS Push Token as having expired
CTI-2470 Confirm push trigger
CTISVR-266 Clinical_Messaging: Unable to get push working on IOS
CTISVR-329 Cater for all push being Voip Push
CTI-2999 CM: iOS push doesn't work on some devices
CTI-2694 [Push] CM: Android app receives push when you send an image
CTI-2915 Push exceptions cause push_session entries to be removed
CTI-2856 Imperial Additions: Identify 'Urgent' messages with a different push template
CTI-2964 Clinical_Messaging: Push for non Urgent messages shouldn't bring the App to the front on Android
CTI-2697 Chat room messages not generating push messages (temporary fix)
CTI-2783 Clinical_Messaging: USER lt405233 not displaying conversation in list but receiving push ?
CTI-2838 Clinical_Messaging: Access Rights not being pushed
CTI-2867 Enable (& Disable) Insomnia on receiving a VOIP Push.
CTI-3006 Turn off Insomnia once apps have completed login and download of missed messages
CTISVR-349 Disable Push & Enable Insomnia
CTISVR-344 Separate bringing App to the front from Insomnia
CTI-3066 Client Side: iOS Insomnia/Battery Improvements for CM
CTI-3088 Server Side: iOS Insomnia/Battery Improvements for CM
CTISVR-404 Remove temporary Audible Insomnia form the Release Build
CTI-2953 [Push] Disable Insomnia
CTI-3065 CM: Consider implementing iOS Battery/Insomnia/Push changes on Android too.
CTI-2855 [Push] CM: Andorid still receive push notifications if you logged off whilst offline
CTI-3001 Local notifications don't work when triggered by a push
Configure push notifications in Clinical Messaging App
CTISVR-262 Clinical_Messaging: Android push notifications errors on launch
CTI-3002 CM: No notifications received on Samsung S9 - Android 8.0.0 - backgrounda
CTISVR-258 Test: Normal Push Notifications with no network connection
CTI-3155 Flag notifications
CTI-2763 CM: Old admin notifications appear on fresh login
CTI-2859 CM: Maybe the documentation should mention why notifications appear differently in different contexts
CTI-2861 CM: Difference in notifications between Android and iOS
CTI-2815 CM: Notifications for direct conversations with many users is too large
CTI-3008 CM: I wonder if we could make the notifications list item clearer.
CTI-2960 Re-enable local notifications for priority < Urgent
CTI-2819 CM: No notifications in split screen mode
CTI-2926 CM: Remove Local Notifications on logout
CTI-2744 CM: Notifications not being shown by app
CTI-2741 CM: Admin notifications now show jid rather than name
CTI-2645 User receives notifications for actions they complete
CTI-2446 Device notifications/alerts - requirements gathering
CTI-3023 CM: Android notifications stop working after DONE on notification list bell icon
CTISVR-237 Add device (local) notifications functionality to Clinical Messaging App and App template
CTI-3022 CM: No sound for priority notifications in DnD on Android 7.0