Dead sperm whale had 6kg of plastic in its stomach
A sperm whale
in Jakarta
Wakatobi district
a picturesque collection of four main islands surrounded by a marine reserve
has urged Indonesia's central government to help tackle the problem of marine debris.
in Indonesia
is the world's second biggest contributor to marine debris
after China
with a colossal 1.29 million metric tons estimated to be produced annually.
has been found dead
in Indonesia
with 115 plastic cups and 25 plastic bags
in its stomach
raising concern among environmentalists and throwing the spotlight on the country's rubbish problem.
The items
The items
were part of nearly six kilograms of plastic waste
discovered in the 9.5-metre carcass
Other debris
flip flops
ripped tarpaulins
the head of Wakatobi tourism
La Ode Saleh Hanan
told AFP on Wednesday
when it washed ashore
in Wakatobi National Park
in Southeast Sulawesi province
on Monday.
when it washed ashore
Conservation group WWF Indonesia
said on social
WWF Indonesia marine species conservation coordinator Dwi Suprapti told AFP.
its staff found four plastic bottles and 3.26 kilograms of raffia rope, as well as the plastic bags and cups. The exact cause of the whale's death is not yet known but there are signs that "plastic waste might have triggered it"