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Endangered Monkeys and other primatesmonkae cute! (Mountain Galago…
Endangered Monkeys and other primates
Mountain Galago
Mountain Galagos are intensely threatened. They are one of the most endangered primates though no-one really knows how many there are in the world though. They live in East Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. mountain
Ring-tailed Lemur
Ring-tailed lemurs are endangered because of the destruction of their habitat in Madagascar. There are 2,500 of them left in the world. There are 2 charities that help them: the Lemur conservation foundation and the Madagascar fauna group. To help them you can adopt an animal now at: Link Title Link Title
People use to think that Aye-Aye were extinct but in 1961 they found out that they weren’t! However, they are still endangered up until now which is bad. Sadly their habitats are being destroyed!!! They live in Madagascar. There are 100 or more of them left In the world! You can adopt one now at: Link Title
Javan Slow Loris
Javan Slow Lorises are monkeys that are hunted and killed by hunters. They are the most endangered primates in the world!!! They also lose their homes quite a lot. People also don’t know how many there are in the world. You can adopt one now at: Link Title
Hainan gibbon
Hainan gibbons are in threat of being extinct. At the moment, there are critically endangered. They also are one of the most endangered primates on Earth because human activities such as illegal logging has destroyed 75% of their habitat. You can donate and help them now at: Link Title.
Niger Delta red Colobus
Niger Delta red Colobus are critically endangered. They are from Africa. It shares it's habitat with other primates like chimpanzees and other Colobus species.
Gerps mouse lemur
They are endangered because of the loss of their homes and the change of forests into farm land. 80% of their habitats in Madagascar are being destroyed.
Crested Macaque
Crested macaque are endangered because they are hunted for their meat and are faced with illegal logging of tropical forest for agriculture- which is fragmenting their habitats the monkeys are suffering serious decline. You can adopt one now at: Link Title.
Golden headed langur
Golden headed langur are from southern china and northern Vietnam. Golden headed langurs reach a head-body length of 50-60 cm and a body-weight of 15-20 kg. The tail length ranges from 82-89 cm. They are dangerously close to being extinct due mainly to hunting! Poaching for traditional medicine is the sole cause for the dramatic and rapid population decline from an estimated 2,400-2,700 in the 1960s to only 53 individuals by 2000! Ever since the highest birth rates in 2003, reproduction of the Cat Ba Langur has deteriorated at 1-2 young broods each year but the implementation of strict protection measures towards the end of 2000 has caused the langur population on Cat Ba Island to increase to 60-70 individuals.Like other langur species, they have slim hands and feet and reduced thumbs. You can adopt one now at: Link Title
Eastern lowland gorilla
These animals are the biggest primate in the world! They are from eastern and central Africa. The estimated amount of them left in the world is 3,800. Adopt one now at: Link Title
Douc Langur
There are 3 species of Douc Langur: Red-shanked, Black-shanked and Grey-shanked Douc Langur. They weigh about 5-11 kg. They are from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam. The grey-shanked Douc Langur is critically endangered with a population estimated to be around 550-700, The red-shanked Douc Langur and the black-shanked Langur are both endangered. Populations of all 3 species have declined by 50-80% over the last 30 years.