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Ainsley Dunn's Odyssey Pt. 2 (Characters (Alcinous: ruler of…
Ainsley Dunn's Odyssey Pt. 2
Alcinous: ruler of Phaeacians
Nausicaa: daughter of Alcinous
Arete: Queen, Alcinous husband and Nausicaa's mother
Polyphemus: Poseidon's son, cyclopse, odysseus stabs his eye out
Aeolus: guardian of the winds. gave odysseys gift of wind to guild him home
Circe: daughter of the sun god Helius and the sea nymph Perse, lives on island of Aeaea and has powers to transform humans to animals
Eurylochus: one of Odysseus' best crew members
Tiresias: blind Theban prophet
Anticleia: Odysseys' mother
Achilles: war hero
Ajax: Trojan war hero that killed himself after Odysseus won Achilles' old armor
Scylla: A sea goddess who lives in a cave near Charybdis who has 6 heads and preys on humans who sail near her
Charybdis: goddess in form of giant whirlpool that sucks water in and out hourly
Helius: Sun god
Lampetia: daughter of Helius, guards sacred cattle, tells on Odysseus
Book 6:
Athena appears to Nausicaa and tells her to wash her clothes so she will have beautiful marriage clothes
She goes down to the river to wash her clothes where she finds Odysseus
Odysseus persuades her to to give him clothes and food
She agrees and he bathes himself in the river and she tells him he must go to the palace and speak to the mother first to gain her sympathy before he speaks to her father but he must not walk in with Nausicaa as the people will question what he is doing in her life.
Book 7:
Athena, disguised as a child, escorted Odysseus to the palace
He threw his arms around Arete's knees and begged her for help home and for hospitality. They were reluctant at first but Alcinous knew he could never break the laws of Xenia
They feast and they agree to help him home but first they ask where he comes from and where he got the clothes he was wearing
Explains that Nausicaa helped him as he was shipwrecked and stranded on this island. Alcinous is mad that Nausicaa didn't escort him to the palace himself as he thinks he would be a good husband for her.
Agrees to row Odysseus home
Book 8:
Alcinous assembled council and asked 52 men to row Odysseus home as they are the best sailors and shipmen in the country
They feast and the muse sings of tales of Odysseus and Achilles but they do not know that he is Odysseus so he begins to weep at the retelling of his past
They decide to play sports such as boxing, wrestling, high-jump, sprinting, and track and field. Alchinous' sons challenge Odysseus claiming he is not an athlete. Odysseus takes the challenge and beats them at discus by a long shot.
Before bed the Lyre sang of the affair between Ares and Aphrodite. The story goes: Aphrodite is married to Hephaestus but she sleeps with Ares. When Hephaestus finds out he builds magical chains and waits for them to commit this adultery and when they do Hephaestus binds them together not letting them free until Zeus agrees to pay a price. They hold a council and everyone agrees Ares must pay. But poseidon wants Ares free now and says that if Ares won't pay he will. So they are both set free and Aphrodite takes no blame even though it's her fault
They give gifts to Odysseus before the night ends and Nausicaa speaks to him and tells him to not forget her as she is the one who saved him
Lastly the lyre sings a song about troy and how they sacked the city and killed everyone. Odysseus weeps about his tragic past. The king asks why he is crying and what his name was
Book 9:
Odysseus tells Alcinous his name and his journeys
Says his ship was pushed off course sailing home from Troy and was moved towards the Cicones. They sacked the town and killed their men and took the women as concubines and slaves
Odysseus said to move out but his men were too busy getting drunk and partying on the beach to care. At this time the remaining Cicones raided Odysseus' men and 36 were killed before they escaped
Then they were blown to the land of the Lotus eaters where a few of his men were drugged by the lotus flower and forgot who they were. Odysseus had to rescue them and force them back onto the boat and sail away
then they sailed to the country of cyclopses who had no society and were very barbaric and primitive
Odysseus and a few men went to see who lived here and if they would offer hospitality
They went into the cyclops Polyphemus' home and waited there for him to come home from tending his herd. They figured out he was not very nice and that cyclopses don't fear gods and on the spot he ate 2 of Odysseus' men
Throughout the next day, Polyphemus ate 4 more men. But Odysseus had a plan to strike him in the eye. They gave him much wine until he was very drunk and told the cyclops his name was Noman. When he fell asleep they shoved the stake into his eye and Polyphemus calls out for help from the other cyclopses
When they cyclopses came Polyphemus said, "Noman is attacking me" so the cyclopses said since no man is attacking you we don't need to help you. So Odysseus' plan worked. The next day they strapped themselves to the bottom of Polyphemus' sheep so they could get out of cave without being noticed. They got out and boarded the ship
Odysseus began taunting the giant and then he threw a big boulder at the ship pushing it back inland making it very dangerous. They recovered but Odysseus made a fatal mistake by telling the giant his name. And with that information Polyphemus cursed Odysseus saying with the help of Poseidon it will take him 10 years to return home and all his men will die.
Book 10:
Went to island of Aeolus where they got hospitality. Aeolus gives Odysseys a bag that contained wind to blow them on their journey home
Odysseus' men got jealous and curious of the gifts he received from Aeolus and opened the bag releasing all the wind blowing them back to the island they came from. Aeolus was very offended he did not use the gift well and forced them off his island
Sailed to Laestrygonia where they parked all their ships in harbor while odysseus decides to park his away from the rest. Odysseus sent 3 men to see who lived here. And apparently it was man eating giants as one of his men was eaten alive. They quickly ran back to shore but the giants began to throw boulders at everyone in the harbor and killed them all. Only Odysseus' ship made it out alive
Then they traveled to Aeaea, home of goddess Circe where half the men went to see who lived there. They called out the beautiful goddess and she let them inside and gave them a drink. But the drink had a drug in it that turned them into pigs. Eurylochus who had stayed outside ran down to warn Odysseus
Odysseus runs into Hermes and he gives Odysseus and antidote to Circe's drug and tells him he must draw his sword on her to frighten her, then sleep with her in order to free his men and make her swear an oath to the gods she will not harm him anymore
He does this and convinces her to make his men human again. He went and got the rest of his men and they stayed in her house, feasting and relaxing, for a year before they left
But she said before they went home the needed to visit Hades and get a prophecy from Tiresias about his fate home. but in order to do it he must sail to the edge of the ocean by the river styx and dig a hole to put things in to call upon the spirits. Then he must vow to sacrifice an uncalved heifer in his halls and offer it to Tiresias. Then he must sacrifice a ram and a black ewe and let their blood flow into the ditch so the spirits will come. But he must not let anyone near the blood until Tiresias speaks to him.
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Book 11:
They sail to the land of the Cimmerians where Odysseus made the sacrifices and the spirits came out
First was Elpenor, the man who died at Circe's house falling off a roof while drunk. He tells Odysseus to not let anyone forget him after he returns home. and that he should return to bury him or else the gods will be mad. and Odysseus agrees to do this
Then Tiresias spoke and told Odysseus that he would make it home but it would be a bitter and hard journey. Said that he must sail towards Thrinacia where he will find cows, if he doesn't harm the cows he will make it come safely. But if he harms these cows there will be disaster for his ship and that he will come home on a strangers ship and that men will be invading his home and courting his wife and that he will kill these men. Then when he returns home he must offer many sacrifices to the gods
Next Odysseus sees his mother Anticleia who died while he was in troy due to grieving the loss of her son. She tells him about his life at home and how Penelope is still faithful to him even with the suitors and how his father is a mess still in grief
Then Odysseus sees many famous women from history
Next he sees Agamemnon who tells him that he was murdered by Aegisthus and his own wife who betrayed him. Agamemnon asks about his sons but Odysseus doesn't know
Then he sees Achilles and Ajax. Achilles says he's rather be alive and a slave than dead and a ruler. He asks about his son Neoptolemus and said that he was very brave in battle. And Ajax won't speak to him after the incident of Odysseus winning Achilles' armor.
Finally he spoke to Heracles briefly
Then Odysseus sets off for Thrinacia
Book 12:
They go back to Aeaea to burry Elpenor; they burned him, grieved, and stuck the oar in his grave. Circe tells them to stay another night
Circe gives Odysseus advice. She says he must sail past the Sirens and give his men earplugs so they won't be drawn in and killed by them but he is tied to the mast so he can listen to their beautiful song. Then he must sail between Scylla, who will eat 6 of his men off the deck, and Charybdis who sucks water down and gargles it back up hourly which could suck their ship down so it's better to said near Scylla because that way he'll only lose 6 men and not all of them. Then when he reaches Thrinacia he must not touch the cows as he will be cursed because they are sacred.
Odysseus does this plan exactly and 6 men die. But when he arrives in Thrinacia they get stranded and have to survive on the food provided by Circe. After they run out of food, they are forced to hunt. And eventually the men get tired of starving. When Odysseus goes off to pray, he accidentally falls asleep and his men make a plan to hunt and kill the cow. They do this and have a big feast and the curse is put in place
Lempetia, guardian of cattle, told her father the sun god that Odysseus needed punishment. Helius tells Zeus that if he doesn't punish the men then the sun won't shine on the heavens anymore. So when the storm calms Odysseus sails away and Zeus makes a huge storm to wreck their ship and everyone is killed except Odysseus
Odysseus floats back through Scylla and holds onto a tree so he wouldn't be sucked down by Charybdis and he makes it through safely as he was disguised by the gods so he wouldn't be eaten by Scylla. After floating many days he finally reaches Calypso.
Book 13:
The Phaecians gave many gifts to Odysseus and sacrificed to the gods to bless his journey
they gave him food/supplies for his voyage and Odysseus boards the ship and sleeps until he arrives
The crew let him off while still sleeping and put his treasure around him
Poseidon is mad at the Phaecians for helping Odysseus and many other travelers home over his waters. So he decides to hide their island with a mountain and he turned their ship into stone. The Phaecians knew of a prophecy long ago that Posiedon would become mad and hide them from their homeland. So this prophecy was coming true and they sacrificed 12 bulls in poseidon's name for his forgiveness
Athena diguises his home so that he won't recognize where he is. Athena, appearing as Palas, tells him he is in Ithaca. But Odysseus doesn't' want to reveal his identity and claims he is from Crete and that he had killed the King's son at war and fled.
Athena hearing this reveals herself and says she is impressed with his cunningness and trickery skills. But she tells him he must not tell anyone he is home. He must hide the treasure and kill the suitors destroying his home before he may reveal himself to his wife. And that she will disguise him so he may go see his swineherd to gain information. During this time Athena will go get Telemachus. Odysseus is glad she told him of the suitors as he could have ended up like Agamemnon
Athena disguises him and they part ways