Super Logo
Technical specifications:
Size: A4 contact sheet-with scaled variations
Image size: If bitmap elements are needed 300 PPI (Photoshop)
Colour: Full colour-CMYK
Hand rendered logo process:
Carefully examine and clarify all requirements, objectives and constraints of your brief through the use of Coggle
Identify and apply the design elements and principles of design
Research existing superhero names and display them through word association
Identify your name, skills, colour scheme and powers
Research typefaces and display the Hero's name using at least 10 fonts
Be aware of various logo styles through demonstrating 50 black and white logo concepts
Develop 10 more colour sketches
Post 10 colour sketches onto Connect and seek peer feedback. Display feedback in EVD
Produce a final hand rendered logo as well as a style guide for your logo
Digitally rendered logo process:
Scan your final hand renders logo and import into Adobe Illustrator
Lock your scan to the artboard
Use brushes and pen tool to digitally recreate your logo
Apple chosen colours to finalise your logo
Produce a range of scaled logos to ensure that it is functional
Produce a contact sheet displaying your colour breakdown
Evidence my scaled logos
Submission :
Smallest file size PDF of Visual Diary (see below)