STRENGTHS: Love of learning, entrepreneurial, you see opportunity, you are a kind person and love to try new things, you take on passion projects and go to lots of events in the city that align with your interests, you believe in the power (positive power) of social media, you are a good friend and make time for people, you are not judgemental, you have a sense of adventure, you are business minded with a care for the planet
I've noticed that you love starting things, but not really seeing them through for a long time. It's weird, cause I think that this love of starting is a strength - most people think about doing things, whereas you actually do them. But I do think that you've started a lot of things and allow yourself to stop doing them as soon as they no longer appeal in exactly the same way. I'm reading a book about GRIT, and the most successful people have passion, but also perseverance, and put in the years to really become experts. I think that you are so passionate, however I think that the things that you put your energy into could be so much greater if you stuck with them a bit longer?
*I think you've experienced a number of different people (parents, friends) and have been able to meet them where they are so I think you can leverage these experiences to connect with all different types of people. You are so knowledgeable, and business minded, and strategic - so this will help you connect with business minded people, etc. You are great at sharing things, you are a very open person, I feel like you are easy to trust and talk to. You are also great at connecting friends, and you aren't afraid to invite friends from all different walks of life to the same think aka. you believe in the power of people in general. You believe so wholeheartedly in the power of the universe and the power of healing, so I think that this is a great type of knowledge to share with others.