'We are all connected by invisible threads'.
Interconnectivity of forests,
Merlin Sheldrake
Allan Shore, The science of the art of psychotherapy
Buddhism. 'Only if we are able to see the relationship between the body and the mind, of physical and spiritual interaction in a universal perspective and if in this way we overcome the I and mine and the whole structure of egocentric feelings, opinions and prejudices which produces the illusion of our seperate individualitythen only can we rise into the sphere of buddhahood.
Carl Jung, Collective unconscious, work on dreams
Quantum physics
Tan Le, Emotiv, uses EEg rechnology to read brain waves in real time. Brains being 'in sync'
Eckhart Tolle
Jung synchronicity a meaningful connection between inner and outer worlds, the invisible and the tangible, the mind and the physical universe. Found connections in his thinking with physics and taoism.
Taoism. Ying/yang, not opposites but parts of a whole.
'Self unbound: ego dissolution in psychedelic experience' Chris Letheby and Philip Gerrans
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Marina Abramovic. The artist is present.
Rivane Neuenschwander,
Matthew Stone.
Bill Viola, 'The night Journey'
Alejandro Jodorowsky psychomagic
All humans are 99.9 per cent identical and, of that tiny 0.1 per cent difference, 94 per cent of the variation is among individuals from the same populations and only six per cent between individuals from different populations.
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Yoko ono "we're all water"
I Ching*
"pale blue dot", Carl Sagan
Gina Pane "Azione Sentimentale"
Kiki Smith "Convergence"
Pane emerged in Europe at the peak of the Situationist movement based in a Marxist critique of capitalism. They believed that emphasis on commodity consumption instead of lived experience was leading to passivity and alienation. Situationists stated that this “spectacle” could be countered by “the construction of situations, moments of life deliberately constructed for the purpose of reawakening and pursuing authentic desires.”
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fibonacci sequence
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Sacred Geometry
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Frida Kahlo, "The Love Embrace Of The Universe"
Mandala, all paths lead back to the self
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"Life sleeps in the stone, dreams in the plant, wakens in the animal" Ancient Hindu saying.
Arthur +Schopenhauer. One no longer perceives the world as an object of perception (therefore as subject to the Principle of Sufficient Grounds; time, space and causality) from which one is separated; rather one becomes one with that perception: "one can thus no longer separate the perceiver from the perception" (The World as Will and Representation, section 34)
Hinduism. Brahman and Atman. Ontological unity.Non duality, all of the universe is one essential reality, and that all facets and aspects of the universe is ultimately an expression or appearance of that one reality.
Dan Siegel.
The red string of fate
We are made up of between 55 - 60% water
Reiki. Energy transmitted from one to another.
Menstrual synchronicity in female communities.
Anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner
John O' Donoghue