Dog Toothbrush
3D Printer
How to program it
How it works
Sketching app
just draw your design on tinkercad with the 3D objects and then print
3d printer
Art supplies
buy materials
Sketching app
how it works
Find app
draw it
click to edit
ask art deprtment if we can use paint
bussiness card
print out and laminate
gatering information
research other products to know our competition
how it is different
3D printer
Scketing app
play around and ask Mr. Grigg
Jade - Mr Grigg
Questions asked
How easy is it to mess up and how do we fix these problems?
How do you program the 3D Printer
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what apps do you need to use the 3D printer
click to edit
the 3D printer is very hard to mess up and is easy to fix witha bit of glue. you don't need any apps to use it as the 3D printer has them all.
Jessica - Mr Dell
questions asked
do you think it is different from other dog toothbrushes
do you think we have competition?
do you think it will revolutionize your life
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click to edit
I do think you have competition because there are many other companies out there doing the same thing, but I do think it is different. It is a good idea but it is not the first priority
Eloise - Pauline
How many bristels and how hard do i make the bristles?
How long do i make the handle
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the longer the handle the better as then you won't get slobery hands. the softer the bristles and the more bristles the better as then thr time that it takes to cleanthere teeth and the softer the better as then
go to the app store and find a good app that we can scketch on
draw a sketch with measurements
3D printer Workshop
change product if need be
play around and ask Mr. Grigg
learn how to use
3D printer workshop
make prototype
you add your design to the computer program and then the printer starts printing
No programing needed