This refers to the ‘tendency to react to stimuli in a consistent emotional manner’ – either positively (positive affectivity) or negatively (negative affectivity) (Hughes, Ginnett & Curphy 2015, p. 370). Affect is an umbrella term for feelings.
The problem for the leader is that research findings suggest that there is little that a leader can do to ‘impact on a follower’s job satisfaction if (their) affective disposition is either extremely positive or negative’ (Hughes, Ginnett & Curphy 2015, p. 371).
The leader’s own affectivity (positive or negative) can ‘strongly influence’ followers’ ‘morale or satisfaction levels’.
The composition of a team in terms of positive or negative affectivity can have a major impact on team outcomes (Hughes, Ginnett & Curphy 2015, pp. 371–372).