Are Dark Green leafy veggies higher in Vitamin C than lighter leafy greens?


It is hypothesized that dark leafy greens have more nutritional value than lighter leafy greens due to their darker pigment. The lighter greens contain more water and less chlorophyll.


-Dark Green, Leafy Veggies (Spinach, Broccoli)
-Light Green Veggies (Iceberg Lettuce, Light Green Cabbage or Brussel Sprouts)
-Beaker (if you are going to use a burner); Pot (if you are going to use a stove)
-Bunsen Burner (or a stove)
-Blender (assistance from an adult)
-Several test tubes w/ rack
-A white piece of paper
-Pen for taking notes


fair test


Preparing the vegetables

Step 1: Since the vegetables were solid, they were turned into liquid first before using the indicator solution on it

Step 2: Each vegetable was put into a blender (blender was rinsed after each pulp to prevent contamination of results)

Step 3: Juices were strained and kept covered aside

Preparing the iodine indicator

Step1: One tbsp of cornstarch was added together with water to make a paste

Step 2: 250ml of water was boiled for 5 mins

Step 3: 10 drops of the boiled solution was added to 75ml of water using a dropper

Step 4: Iodine was added to the mixture until it turned a dark-purple colour

Testing the vegetables

Step 1: With a dropper, 5ml of the iodine indicator solution was added to a standard 15ml test tube. Using a clean dropper (to prevent contamination), 10 drops of the juice was added into the test tube
Step 2: the dropper was cleaned and the above was done for each juice sample
Step 3: The test tubes were compared on which turns a darker colour. The darkest test tube means that it has the least Vitamin C present in the particular test tube


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The type of leafy green (dark or light leafy vegetables)

which leafy green contains the most Vitamin C?

The amount of iodine solution used

The liquid vegetable solution

When using a blender, caution was taken with the blades and the power outlet with water. to prevent any injuries. Assistance was required

vitamin c

Amount of Vitamin C:

Vitamin C is required for the biosynthesis of collagen, L-carnitine, and certain neurotransmitters; vitamin C is also involved in protein metabolism

Spinach: 28mg

Kale: 120mg

Lettuce: 9mg

iceberg: 2.8 mg