HBS Manage Your Energy
Not Your Time

Definition of Energy

Capacity to work, coming from 4 main wellsprings





Could be systematically expanded and regularly renewed by

establishing rituals (behaviors that are intentionally practiced & precisely scheduled)

companies invest in developing ee's skills, knowledge & competence.

FEW help build & sustain their capacity-their energy- which is typically taken for granted

Physical energy

early bedtime & reducing alcohol use

eat small meals & light snacks every 3 hours

engage in cardiovascular act at least 3 times/week & 1 strength training/week

notice signs of energy flagging, restlessness, yawning, hunger, difficulty concentrating

take regular breaks: 90-120 min intervals

Emotional energy

defuse negative emotions thru deep abdominal breathing

express gratitude to others

look at upset situations thru 3 new lenses

reverse lens

what would the other person in this conflict say and in what ways might that be true?

long lens

how will I mostly likely view this situation in 6 months?

wide lens

regardless of the outcome of this issue, how can I grow and learn from it?

Mental energy

reduce interruptions & multitasking

respond to voice mails & emails at designated times during the day

every night, identify the most important challenge for the next day

Spiritual energy

identify "sweet spot" activities, those give u feelings of effectiveness and effortless absorption, and fulfillment

do more of these

allocate time & energy to what u consider most important

ie: family

live your core values

How companies can help?

build "renewal rooms": where ppl go relax and refuel

subsidize gym memberships

gather ee for midday workouts

suggest that ppl stop checking emails during meetings