Seeking solution approach-Local OI

4 steps of SS approach

problem selection

problem broadcast

Call for problem

Collaborative event

Collaboration on local basis is a solution / Local open innovation

Traditional OI doesnt apply to small companies

lack means of enabling, monetary barriers, few success stories

  1. Call for problem

Problem sourcing

6 months before the event (for 2 months)

2.Problem selection

Selecting problems that will benefit from SS approach

Ambassadors (tech person)play a key role in selecting problems

3.Problem broadcast

social media and other web plat

broadcasted through universities,R&D centres

Broadcasted to wide range of problem solvers, experts also targeted

Need strategies to make event successful(rewards)

4.Collaborative event

Divergence - the problem solver should clearly understand all problems

exploration- new ideas can arise

involves non-virtual collaboration

Convergence - out of all solutions, most suitable are decided and validated

The SS event needs to have a proper setup

Focuses on more time exploring the problem not solution


Quebec SS 2010

problem solvers had to pay

for commitment

to demonstrate their capabilities

No IP issues

Total Open source

SS Approach has developed new concept- Local OI

is a new way to solve problems, build network,business opportunities, innovate

is more effective than the traditional approach (for both SMEs and Large companies)

Its a combination of open innovation and local collaboration