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WFP interview data: Rich picture concept map (CAPABILITY PROGRAM…
WFP interview data: Rich picture concept map
The WFP mandate/responsibility???
WFP mandate/measures
Pre commitment: no pre or commitments to WFP???
"WFP should be mandated - when other plans are mandated they have responded, because they have to (indigenous plan, for example)"
"There are no workforce planning expectations
"I have no direct performance expectations in relation to WFP"
Who's job is it anyway?
Jack of all trades
i"I a smaller health service there aren’t dedicate staff, you’re spread across so many projects tasks and functions"
"The Director of Nursing might do some WFP, but thats not the main priority in their job - its on top of their job"
"We have a lot of roles that we stuff a lot of work into – we don’t have a department that can focus on workforce planning.
"What I do is ‘everything’"
"Directors don’t have the same skillset as a specialist WF planner"
The dispersion of workforce planning responsibility
"It’s not my job attitude prevails"
HR Departments [that focus on WFP] disappear the smaller the organisation becomes
"Everyone thinks someone else is doing it"
There is no dedicated position looking at WFP so no one does it.
Theres no systematic approach, it's just who ever has capacity"
"Managers have enough to do without doing workforce planning
"People and culture business manager [does some WFP] but that’s only one part of the WFP not the whole thing"
Too busy for workforce planning
Everybody is busy, can’t expect too much from time-poor execs
Board/CEO leadership mandate/capability????
"Get resources onto the radar and get boards to see it as a priority – without that they will struggle"
If there’s not leadership you will struggle, pick champions to drive this – even at sub-regional level.
Board governance is another thing – ability of board members is variable.
Perceived barriers
Capacity to act - no dedicated WFP role
"We recognise WFP challenges but are on the back foot regarding capacity
"Some do it [WFP] well, some area-based planning not done with regards WFP. Capacity within organisation distinguishes the two
"It’s about having the skills but if the org hasn’t allocated a resource then it’s hard"
"They recognise WFP challenges but are on the back foot regarding capacity"
"We don have the capacity to find headspace for workforce planning"
" We can’t expect people to take on outside responsibilities without resources".
"We really need a dedicated resource to take any workforce planning to implementation stages"
"We are thin to the bone, there isn’t more room for us to get into that space in terms of workforce planning redesign"
Forced hand
Industrial barriers
constrain changes and workforce transformation
"Industrial Barriers can be insurmountable especially if you are small"
Funding and budgeting process
" We can't envision past 12mnths – only funded for 12mnths"
"System drivers mean hard to plan for future in budgeting. Don’t know what money will be in place in a year"
"Financial position of org often leads as necessity about how we can structure the organisation to cope with scenarios faced with financially".
Community expectations
Workforce planning [demand] made challenging by community - people expect to see a Dr not a nurse
Level of authority/agency
" The higher up the position the more daring [level of WF innovation]"
Traditional workforce paradigms
"GPs believe they own the hospitals"
Lack of WFP capability
"Current planners have no way of knowing how to do it or what it includes. It's reactive."
"There is much less infrastructure to support strategic thinking or planning in rural and regional areas"
It's difficult to recruit someone with good workforce planning skills
Testing assumptions, critical thinking, the ideal WF planner is expert in stats, critical thinking, different questions, not just data analysis, but testing that with the existing workforce.
Piecemeal + compartmentalised planning
Systems thinking??
Lack of systems capability???
"Tools and resources need to teach systems thinking beyond service to catchment area"
"We only looked health needs across region because there was a prior need to to look more broadly at the future health workforce"
"WE MAKE SURE THIS IS A PART OF OUR journey. We don’t just do this once every five years with strategic planning, we constantly do this work in community health advisory groups, and other informal groups in community (WFP IS SYSTEMISED)" :green_cross:
Sector Orgs as system connectors
" End users come to us and we do the connecting, we see across the system"
Cycle of reactivity
"There is no strategic approach to workforce planning across the sector"
"WFP is reactive, there is no broad focus around needs across workforce functions"
"We are reactive, not proactive, don’t know how to prepare for the future"
WFP Drivers/triggers
If it’s an emergency, we can only think about the emergency.
Perpetual cycle of turnover?
"Often the trigger is the can’t recruit it's always in reactive mode".
Crisis drives innovation
"Workforce planning is driven by a crisis"
"WFP is often reactive to issues"
Crisis drives response - resources don't help. We need the impetus to act"
"Often services will only think about that when getting to crisis point"
"Biggest expense in every health service and liability is workforce and yet doesn’t get attention unless there is a crisis"
"We look for new ways to do things when we can't recruit"
System mandate
*"Accreditation and audit requirements meant that we must have a workforce plan in place"
"Being audited by DHHS was helpful"
"We look at staffing ratios to define demand"
Waiting lists can often trigger workforce planning
Changing community demographics (growth)/community service demand
"As soon as there is community growth I then look at demand".
"Waiting lists often drive workforce planning responses"
Service and Workforce Planning - the logical link?
Service and workforce planning integration
" We should be using the service planner to deliver concurrent WFP in alignment with service plan.
"WFP is an after thought to service planning, should be done at the same time"
"Our workforce planning is central to our strategic service planning direction and our operational planning
Service planning roles??
"We've been looking at training Service Planners as workforce planners"
"Health services tend to invest in service planners, we need to bolster that with WF planner"
"I'd like to see Service Planners bolstered with WFP skills"
Service planning resource utility
"Service planning has clear guides, there is a clear framework which we can then get consultants to help and operate within"
"Service planning guides keep us on track"
Don't know what I don't know, so I default to what I know I can do
Just give us the answer/Decision paralysis:
When given too many options, we tend to make the easiest decision
We default to the most manageable workforce option to avoid complex decisions (
default bias)
"We tackle the parts that hurt the most"
"I put my focus on the things I feel like we can improve on, or get a win"
"All staff recognise ageing workforce but don’t know what to do with it"
""I would like a ready reckoner determine what to do in certain circumstances"
When WFP issues get too complicated, we focus on what we can solve"
(What the hell effect)
Look to the past:
Rely heavily on past information or experiences when making decisions*
We put an overly high value
on the here and now and an
overly low value on the future
(time discounting).
"Too busy"
"We don’t have time to get on the balcony"
"We are too busy to do workforce planning"
"we aren't good at forecasting"
"I want to punch scenarios into a spreadsheet"
"The services has mindset of how done from last twenty years"
"I look to what has worked historically"
We have a spreadsheet with ratios for acute services, That’s our reality.
We focus on workforce planning issues based on
what we know best
rather than the best option
(knowledge bias)
"Most of what we do in WFP focuses on workforce development activities"
Don't know where to start?
I mostly see Excel spreadsheets being as WFP"
We learn as we go (by doing)
"W'e’ve gone it ourselves and had to find our own resources"
"We will learn how to do it as we go"
WFP is trial and error, there is no true science to how we go about it"
"We just get on with it"
Herding: People to look at what other like health care organisations are doing using their personal networks
People evaluate WFP options by
comparing them to what
else is around.
"I think “am I doing this right?” My manger says I’m doing it right but would be good to know what other people know"
"We ask lots of others services what they have done through our connections or networks - then work out what to do "
"People watch how other similar people solve problems that are applicable to them".
"We tend to borrow models that have worked well in other areas."
"We are blind - we have no idea what we are doing. ...we are learning as we talk to people - it's unacceptable"
People happily share within current networks
"I get advice from experienced colleagues – that’s the most common"
"We drawn on our own network of support"
"So much happens through informal networks and then DHHS comes in and it disbands"
Social proof: people look to the WFP actions and experiences of others assuming this reflects a correct WFP process/solution. (The process of others is the right process)
Less likely to share outside current networks
"Paradox is that people go to meetings and want to ask what others are doing – some hospitals are wary of sharing some things because they are in competition, sharing is not a given outside local networks"
Taken MONTHS TO WORK out who to talk to that can give us hints about how they have done it. Rather than it being a targeted approach.
"We dont have any networks in place to share learning and resources"
"She put something out on the portal about workforce planning – 0 responses"
"Some might have good networks and contacts but not all - these networks are not working in a co-ordinated way"
Outsourcing to experts
"We seek advice from experts. What are the expert views?"
"We need to BUY IN expertise"
Sector level support - network connectors
"We don’t really know what else is to come, so we don’t really know where the gaps are that we need to account for"
"We help connect people across the sector with each other"
"We put people in touch with each other"
"I just Google it until I find something"
"I search, then I look for people who ‘get what I’m asking’. Then I go back and search more specifically"
"I Google it!"
The (HUMAN RESOURCE) ready reckoner
External expertise when needed
"I'd like to see a panel of recommended consultants we can draw on"
Hands on Department support (HELEN EFFECT)
"Mentors and coaching should be part of the model, to approach things differently".
"We want and need a Helen in every health service"
"Ongoing support during implementation is so critical if we want people being more innovative and responding to some of the bigger challenges"
"We need support to a point then they can go do and learn, and then get coaching along the way"
"Helen brought more futuristic thinking which got us thinking much more broadly than a rrecruitmentt strategy"
"Need an online and face to face and the FOLLOW UP and spend time with managers and go through their workforce"
" Its about being able to access to workforce planning capability.
Applied and 'real life' learning
"Real life case studies are needed to help us learn - comparing apples to apples"
"We need real life projects and to use DHHS as a resource to bounce ideas off"
"Need to have real life projects and use us/DHHS as a resource to bounce ideas off"
"People learn by doing, but they need support when they need it based on the topic
Idiosyncratic resources
Program interventions must be tailored = increase motivation for utility
Frameworks and tools must align regional and remote requirements
The [WFP] tools must be relevant and scaleable
"The resources need to relate directly to the work they do. They vote with their feet. They won’t turn up if it’s not applicable to their daily work."
"Help needs to look like us"
"We have toolkits, and its based on the number of beds. Nursing is easy because its bound by ratios"
Tailored learning for tailored roles (many levels of WFP capability development required)
"Board and CEO WFP capability varies"
"Need opportunities for clinical staff in particular need to go into those roles"
"Would be helpful to have departmental support for new CEOs. Just gets on with the job, otherwise"
Barriers to learning
"Capacity to backfill (for training absence) is an issue in regional areas"
Real cost
"Training needs to consider the real costs (backfill, travel etc) - not just the cost of the course"
Some managers are barriers to learning (for their staff), unwilling to accept different paradigms
Key topic /capability preferences
Futures thinking
"Need to help people paint a picture of the horizon so they get an ah-ha moment"
"Need scenario planning for the future of health – what is the impact on WFP, what does the data indicate for the future"
"They don’t have great capability around what to do...Or the capability to think about a different service model in the future."
"It would be good to know about analysing community to see what the workforce is going to need"
Stakeholder engagement
"We don't know how to bring people along - get them onboard with our WFP"
Systems thinking
"To help WFP performance, education around system approach"
Strategic thinking
Problem solving/ wayfinding?
We go through a process of scoping nature of problem – we don’t do much here without defining the problem first - this is critical"
"I don't know where to start sometimes with workforce planning
The RESOURCE ready reckoner
Frameworks and tools, when they need them
"We can't navigate without a framework"
*"t is assumed that resources are in place to help heath services with WFP"
"We need frameworks tools and templates - we have used other frameworks and adapted them"
"We have no tools to help people"
Social learning
"There is opportunity to have tools to execs to see more innovative approaches or designs that have worked in other hospitals"
"There should be opportunities for forums run by the department - a truer source of knowledge"
Central brains trust
We can’t attract high caliber if only offering six month contract"
Future demand
Succession planning
Retiring nurses
Ageing workforce
Access to professional development