The skulls are most likely ordered from C, A, B is order from most primitive to most recent. The reason for this is that the skull of specimen C has the most defined jawline, implying a diet of mainly plants that would require powerful teeth to break down. As well as this, the skull appears to be quite small, an underdeveloped frontal lobe suggesting a lack of conscious thought. Skull A appears to be a specimen between skull B and C, with the jaw becoming less pronounced which indicates a change of diet to a substance such as meat, and a more developed brain structure that allows for conscious awareness of it's habitat or society. Skull B may be considered as the most recent, due to its appearance as a modern-day human skull. As the jawline has progressed to become less pronounced to accommodate the changed diet of meat, and the most developed frontal lobe that exists with cognitive thoughts and awareness that allows society to developed, it may be classified as most similar to ours.