Curbing drink driving recidivism, would a DWI court be the best strategy?

No 🚫

Data from drug courts established in other states show that drug courts only produce marginally better outcomes than the magistrates court.

Yes ✅

Does drug court data, which also includes illicit drug use, create a persuasive argument against establishing a DWI court in Tasmania?

Does the profile of recidivist drink drivers in Tasmania sufficiently correlate to the profile of persons referred to drug courts in other states?

Some people will not change their behavior, regardless of intervention. Therefore the only way to stop such people from endangering others is to remove them from society.

Is there any data? Have DWI courts been successfully established elsewhere?

Would a DWI court work effectively in rural areas where support services are limited?

Alternative, could holistic sentencing options be introduced into the magistrates court?

How would the DWI court differ from drug courts established in other states?

Cost :

How much would it cost to establish and run a DWI court? Would the benefits outweigh the cost to taxpayers?

How will success rates be measures?

Question: What is the root cause of drink driving recidivism?


What would happen to people who fail to participate in, court ordered therapy, rehabilitation and/or education? Where holistic measures fail, do we resort back to punitive punishment?

Distance from drinking establishment to home
(public transport not available)

Ignorance - not counting drinks/'she'll be right' attitude

Factor X - people who will continue to drink drive without a reason or cause

Low socioeconomic environment

Holistic Treatment Options


Community Service/Restitution

Mental Health Treatment


Electronic monitoring

Probation - with zero alcohol requirement

Car ignition locks

Boot camps