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Part II Chapter 1: Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration (PLFR).
Part II Chapter 1: Providence to Lay the Foundation for Restoration (PLFR).
Section 1: POR in Adam's Family
The age of the PLFR is 2000 year period from Adam to Abraham
For POR to be accomplished in Adam's Family, the members of family must make certain conditions of Indemnity to restore FOF&S On these 2 foundations the FOM was to be established, and M could've come to A's Fam.
= unshakable person of principle
to restore through indemnity of FOF, FP must set up object condition substituting for G's Word. For Adam's Fam, object was sacrificial offering
B/c of fall, ppl became lower and more evil than all things. Therefore must divide all things which were closer to God.
C&A offered sacrifice, not Adam, b/c God symbolically divided Adam, whom embodied Good & Evil, by giving them 2 sons.
Abel rep. good, Cain rep. Evil. Set them in Pos. where each dealt w/ one master, God or Satan, offered sacrifices separately.
Abel made offering acceptable to God > successfully laid FOF
Course of Eve's fall
Her intended spouse (Adam), according to Principle, motivated by her heartfelt longing to return to G's bosom
although both were fallen acts, the 2nd act was more in line with the P, and more forgivable than the 1st.
1st son (cain) rep. 1st fruit of Eve's 1st fallen love; rep. evil, 2nd son (abel) rep. 2nd fallen love; rep good
God to Cain, "if you do what is right, will you not be accepted? but if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it."
G rejected Cain's offering b/c he stood in position of S. But can accept if he first made some condition justifying its acceptance
To remove FN, person must make IC by taking course which reverse the process trough which HB initially acquired FN
Must establish absolute condition of voluntary submission. Adam didn't go to Satan side by force
Had Cain successfully fulfilled IC to remove FN, god would've accepted offering > FOS would've been laid
Primary Characteristics of FN
Leaving one's proper Position
; lucifer seized Adam's position
Reversing Dominion
; claimed dominion over Eve and Adam
Failing to take G's Standpoint;
Lucifer didn't love Adam but envied him
Multiplying Evil;
L conveyed to A&E his evil will
Indemnity Conditions to remove FN
Love Abel;
take G's SP
Respect Abel as mediator
; receive G's love through Abel
Submit to Abel
; accept Abel's dominion
Learn G's will from Abel
; multiplying goodness
Summary: love, mediator, submission, communcation
What does Abel do? The person who follows God's will is Abel.
The most public minded person is Abel.
Abel doesn't think about himself but begins by thinking about God.
Cain? The one who
only thinks about himself.
Failure of the FOS
Cain Killed Abel > reenacted process which gave rise to primary characteristics of FN > failed to lay FOS
neither FOS nor FOM could be established.
God's POR in AF came to naught
Lessons from AF
G Predestines His will conditionally and has absolute respect for HOPR
even after killing, God began new chapter w/Seth in Abel's place. Shows God absolutely predestines His will shall one day be fulfilled. Even though predes. concerning HB is conditional
3. FP must seek Abel type figures. By honoring, obeying, and following him, we can accomplish G's Will even w/o understanding every aspect of it.
What if Abel's command isn't God Centered?
Section 2: The POR in Noah's Family (NF)
From Seth's descendants God chose Noah's F > were to fulfill IC to restore FOF&S, then restore through indemnity the FOM, which AF failed.
worked 120 yrs to build ark in absolute obedience to God's instructions + Noah was righteous man in eyes of god > qualified to make symb. offering to G by buiding ark
Object of Condition : Ark; signifies new cosmos
10 gens or 1600 bib. yrs after Adam.
3 decks symb. 3 stages of growth. 8 family members = 8 FM of Adam who was invaded by Satan. Noah = God, members = humanity, animals = entire natural world
CF: Noah
Flood for 40 days. Purpose = eliminate sinful history in order to raise up a family who can only relate to him.
NF offered ark in manner acceptable to God > FOF complete
Why 40? 4PF for 10 gen. But due to lustfulness of ppl those days, it was defiled by S. > Set flood judgment of 40 days to restore 40. > Became dispensation for separation of S.
Ark = Chest, not a seagoing vessel but large cargo barge
For Noah's family to make an acceptable substantial offering, Ham and the CF of the SO, was to restore position of Abel
in NF, it was Noah, not Ham who made the symbolic offering. > Ham stands in the position of Abel, as one who has succeeded in making the symbolic offering, had to become inseparable one in heart with his father, Noah.
Noah's son: Shem(Cain) and Ham(Abel); if succeeded in substantial offering(SO), by fulfilling the IC to remove FN, they would've have laid FOS
How comes rules like that can be switched up? Why not Ham having to do the SO?
Noah cannot be restored by himself. Adam needed Abel to restore him. Noah's son must unite w/his father for a restoration of his father. It's the children who begin the POSalvation. Originally father's task, but since the father fell, the child has to make it up.
Providence to achieve Ham's heartistic oneness with God
(Gen: 9:20-26): Ham saw his father lying naked and turning their faces so as not to behold the sight, walked backward, covered their father's naked body with a garment.
This was a SIN so much that Noah rebuked Ham, cursing his son to be a slave to his brothers.
Covering naked body = A&E being ashamed of nakedness after fall > invaded by S
God tested Ham > if looked at Noah with no shame, would've recovered joyful heart He had felt when looking at A&E in innocence before fall.
So why do we wear clothes in the modern age?
Lessons from NF
in walking the course laid by heaven, we must be humble, obedient, and enduring
teaches us about G's conditional predestination of the fufilment of His Will and his respect for HPOR
Despite God finding and raising Noah as Father of Faith, b/c family didn't ff POR, God, although regretful, abandoned them and moved on to Abraham
Noah should've proclaimed to his family: "40 day flood will have nothing to do with whatever mistake you make in the future"
Importance of Proclamation
: Father always had rallys for proclamations after an end to a providence. It means, "I have achieved this much victory, so you (Satan) cannot invade no more," thereby tying the knots of victory both in P&S world.
POR through Abraham's Family(ABF)
ABF was to restore FOM and receive the M upon this Foundation(FDN) Thus Ab. had to restore through indemnity (RTI) FOF, and his sons had to RTI FOS
Ab. inherit mission of N, thus the mission of Adam. > Ab rep. restored Adam.
Another 10 gens, 400yrs
To assume pos. of Father of Faith of N, Ab made SO (Dove, goat, ram offering)
To restore Ham, he needed s/o whom Satan loved most. That's why He called Abraham, the 1st born son of Terah, and idolator.
Abraham's Symbolic Offering
3 sacrifices symb. the cosmos, completed through 3 stages of growth
SO as condition to restore FOF; dove, ram, heifer
Dove = F, Ram = G, Heifer = C
Abraham was to restore all at once, the long providence in which God had conducted through the 3 generations of Adam (F), Noah (G), and Abraham (C)
Does that mean Noah was meant to fail?
Ab. didn't cut dove in two > birds of prey (rep Satan) came down and defiled his sacrifices.
Satan claimed sacrifices
Reasons offerings had to be divided
Restore AF > C&A were divided to rep. Good & Evil
Restore situation of having divided G&E during 40 days N's flood
Symb. condition to separate realm of Good Sovereignty out of universe ruled by Satan
Drain out blood of Death, which entered FP when they were in blood-ties w/S
Failure > 400 yrs of slavery in Egypt + providence centered on Ab. was prolonged 3 gen (AB, Isaac, Jacob). + God commanded to sacrifice Isaac as burnt offering
Why didn't Noah not have to sacrifice any of his sons?
Why wasn't Isaac mentioned to become restoration of Ham even before the sacrifices?
Why God worked with Abraham again
What if he didn't sacrifice Isaac?
Satan attacked both Adam and Cain defiling course of 2 gen. Hence according to POR through Ind., God could work to take back Ab & son Isaac over course of 2 gen.
ABF: 3rd dispensation; 3 = completion. God's principle required that it conclude at this time.
Although he failed, based on accumulated merits of Abel & Noah's Heart, can give him another chance
Lesser Indemnity?
Abraham's offering to Isaac
"Do not lay your hand on the lad or do anything to him" = God's reproach of Ab's failure but joyful over successful offering of Issac
B/c he was world rep., it was a blessing that can push forward eternally unchanging will of God. Hence included F,T,N&W.
About to slay Isaac, but angel stopped him
Isaac's Sacrifice needed in order to completely subjugate Satan; God had no choice. CF had resp. to rep. their age & set standard of history.
Abraham's offering to Isaac
B/c ab succeeded in offering Isaac, POR in ABF could be carried on by Isaac.
Isaac, having inherited Ab's mission, made symbolic offering and restored through Ind. the FOF
Isaac's faith (as well as Ab's) made the offering successful, and there was no way for Satan to retain his hold on them.
Abs zeal and actions carried our absolute faith, obedience, and loyalty > lifted him up to the position of killing Isaac. > Completely separated Satan from Isaac.
Before Isaac's 2 sons could make Sub. Offering (SSO) Jacob must first ffl IC to restore pos of Abel
J went to Haran rep. S's World. After 21 yrs of suffering, restored BR by gaining family & wealth as his due inheritance
triumphed wrestling w/an angel > restoring dominion of Angel in substantial struggle.
Restore Birthright of eldest son on Individual level; successful through exchange of bread & pottage of lentils.
In these ways, J restored through indemnity the pos of Abel.
Angel was embodiment of Esau > conquered Esau spiritually > that's why Esau, intentionally intended to kill Esau, turned into an embrace
J tricking E was not path of principle; should've moved his heart deeply. if so, 21 yr suffering and fighting angel would've been unnecessary
That's why TF served grandmother Eul-Ryoung Park & Mr. Baek Moon Kim, who was in elder son's position. If their hearts remained unmoved, they wouldn't have testified to TF; had to avoid being accused by Satan.
Est. of FOS
Esau affectionately accepted J to Canaan > fulfilled IC to remove FN
Victory restored through Ind. > Est. FOS
Victorious fight over Angel > Given name "Israel" > lay groundwork upon which chosen ppl would be established.
Esau hated by God b/c on Satan side. But once he submitted to J, completed POR > at last able to receive G's Love
FOM (Family Foundation) established in Isaac's Family
but during Ab's time, FP had already built up satanic nations > can easily overpower Abraham's family > the M cannot safely come to that Foundation
J's Family entered Egypt centered on Joseph > 400 yrs of Ind. trying to build National FOM
the one who shoulders the major burden in walking course of indemnity is Abel Figure, who serves as CF of the SSO
Jacob, the only Abel Fig., stood upon FOM; he would walk the model course of separation of Satan, setting pattern for the Messiah to follow at his coming.
Jacob's Model Course to Subjugate Satan.
Jacob's success = Isaac's success = Abraham's success; God saw them as one with respect to God's Will
Moses, Jesus, & ppl of Israel would walk this course after the pattern set by Jacob.
By receiving name "Israel", J laid groundwork upon which Chosen ppl be established. And by ffling IC to remove FN, completed model course to subjugate Satan.
Lessons from Ab's Course
G's predestination concerning the manner in which His Will is ffled is conditional
When HB fail to complete resp, the fflment of G's Will is always delayed, and its restoration requires fflment of greater IC
Ab's cutting the sacrifices in 2 provides a lesson that each of us must divide our own self as an offering to separate G&E