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:pencil2:Law & Policy Regarding Twice-Exceptional Students :pencil2:
Law & Policy Regarding
Twice-Exceptional Students
Cooperating States
Include Twice-Exceptional Students
in Gifted Education Legislation:
Alabama, Arizona, California, Illinois,
Indiana, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania,
South Carolina, Virginia, Wisconsin
Include Twice-Exceptional Students
in Gifted Education Policy:
California, Colorado, Florida, Maryland,
Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska,
North Carolina, Pennsylvania,
South Carolina, West Virginia
Include Twice-Exceptional Students
in Special Education Policy:
Connecticut & Idaho
Include Twice-Exceptional Students
in Special Education Legislation:
California, Colorado, Illinois, Minnesota, Nevada, Pennsylvania, West Virginia
Board vs. Rowley 1982
Defined FAPE:
Schools MUST:
give children with special education related aids and
services designed to meet their educational needs as
adequately as the needs of non-handicapped children are met;
based on LRE principles
provided at public expense, under public direction and supervision -
meets the standards of the state education agency
includes preschool, elementary, and secondary school education
provided in conformity with IEP requirements of the EHA and its regulations
looks first to the child; second to the means by which an appropriate education is to be provided.
child-centered and process oriented, not system-centered or result-oriented
takes account of educational "inputs," not educational "outputs."
distinguishes between related and medical service
makes public education available and access to school meaningful
The Growth Years
- PL-94-142 the Education for All Handicapped Children Act was passed
mandated FAPE
required due process
mandated IEP's
introduced LRE concept
defined "Learning disabled"
- first book published discussing program impacts for 2e children
- The Gifted and Talented Education Act, H.R. 11533 was passed
set up a federal office for gifted and talent
defined "giftedness"
Meisgeier, Meisgeier, and Warblo published
Factors Compounding the Handicapping of Some Gifted Children
Renzulli defines giftedness
- many famous gifted publications were published exploring the combination of gifts with areas of disabilities and students who have both
- federal projects and state grants
Jacob Javits Grants began (1988)
- organizations formed
National Associated for Gifted Children Divisions formed:
Association for the Education of Gifted Underachieving Students
Special Populations Division
The Early Years
- "Gifted term coined by Hollingsworth
- Asperger Syndrome defined as personality disorder
- Stanford-Binet Test used to measure intelligence (determined eligibility for gifted label and services)
- studies began introducing idea/possibility of being gifted AND having a learning disability
Current Work
- Individuals with Disabilities Educational Improvement Act (IDEA0 was reauthorized
acknowledge that students can simultaneously have gifted abilities and learning disabilities
- Javits grants for underserved population of gifted learners supported
continued publishing of works on expansion of knowledge regarding twice-exceptional learners
- National Twice-Exceptional Community of Practice was formed (2e CoP)
published a definition for twice-exceptional
goal: conduct discussions to stimulate and provide materials, resources, and products to help improve policy and practices
2e CoP Directions for Moving Forward
programs need to address POTENTIAL, not progress
identify a research agenda
create a space for conversations and communication between stakeholders and different disciplines (blog, interactive, etc.)