• I never spent time outdoors every day
I don't have enough time or energy to get outdoors.
Outdoors is too far away
I don't have a car and I can't drive, so I can't go on adventures
People who like outdoor adventure just do it for the insta... They don't even actually care about the outdoors.
• I've never been in a good satisfying romantic relationship
I'm too ugly and awkward and anxious to be in a romantic relationship
No one would ever love me, I'm too ugly
I'm too damaged to be in a relationship because I'm an abuse victim
I'm too ugly to date someone I'm attracted to
It's too hard for me to date because I need to date someone vegan and there aren't a lot of vegan dudes in the world... especially single vegan dudes
• I've never written music
I'm not a good musician, writer, or performer
People will laugh at me and feel second hand embarrassment when they hear my music
I'm too old to learn how to play and write
Other people are way ahead of me and have practiced 10,000 hours already... There's no way I'll ever be a musician
• I haven't moved somewhere warm
I'm too poor to live in my dream house on the beach
It's too hard to get a visa or citizenship for the US/Aus
I'll never have enough money for that
I should just be happy with what I have
I should love living near my family and current friends
• I've never had a group of friends
I have only single friends.
It's too hard to coordinate group hangs; everyone's schedules are too different.
• I've never eaten mindfully, calmly/never ate the right amount and type of food
I have an eating disorder
I used to fast, so now I binge because I never give myself enough food
It's hard to know what my body wants
People who are skinny don't even eat properly
I don't know how to eat
I can't control myself when I eat. I just want to eat more and more.
I always eat standing up and while preparing food.
I always get up in the middle of my meal and get more food to add to it.
I never have enough nourishment.