Teacher Checks SPED Protocols Folder

Grade Band Specific/SAI questions/ Level 1

Lead Teacher

General Support: SPED Program, Accounts, Protocols, Procedures, Internal Processes, Training, PD, New Teachers, GE Relations, etc.

Coordinator of Teacher Support (Tara)

IEP Questions/ Support

Coordinator of Teacher Support (Tara)

Program Specialist for mod/severe or level 3/4 (Symphony Baldwin)

Anna/Yolanda (Depending on grade level)

Program Specialist for 6th-12th grades (Adrienne Smith-Gwynne)

SPED Director for 6-12 (Yolanda Vazquez)

Program Specialist for TK-5th grades (Michelle Garner)

SPED Director for TK-5 (Anna Lindahl)

High level of Need: Level 3/4 cases and Program options

Program Specialist for mod/severe or level 3/4 (Symphony Baldwin)

Anna/Yolanda (Depending on grade level)

Program Specialist for 6th-12th grades (Adrienne Smith-Gwynne)

SPED Director for 6-12 (Yolanda Vazquez)

Program Specialist for TK-5th grades (Michelle Garner)

SPED Director for TK-5 (Anna Lindahl)

SPED Chain of Command for Questions/Concerns/Support